Chapter 52 (Tigris)

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"Hold!" Tigris shouted, watching half her men weather a direct strike from the other half of her knights. "Strike!"


There was a ceremonious clatter followed by a few muffled curses. Tigris hid her satisfied grin. She'd been training the knights twice as hard today. Partially to prepare them. Partially to punish them.

She was still bitter about the fact that it had fallen to a maid to defend the castle.

"Tierce!" she barked at the defensive group. They raised their swords accordingly. Tigris nodded to the offensive, watching the speed and calibre of their blows. Their faces were lined with sweat.

Tigris waited a bit more for the men to tire themselves further before she noticed two familiar figures, one of whom was struggling to carry the practice guns. Tigris clapped her hands together.

"Ten laps!" she ordered, much to the dismay of the knights. Then she walked towards Roche. "I told you to bring the practice guns and targets."

"I need... to make... two trips. The targets were too... heavy." Roche gasped out, her hair sticking to her sweaty forehead. She threw the guns down at her feet, wiping at her forehead.

"Right." Tigris murmured, glancing at Ivie. The steady maid had healed nicely over the past few days. Tigris still felt guilty looking at her. "And I thought you were supposed to be resting."

"Leinos cleared me, my lady."

"I see," Tigris arched a brow, "And you came here?"

Ivie looked down bashfully. Roche sidled closer.

"I invited her." Roche admitted. Tigris felt a flare of irritation.

"Why did you feel the need to do that?"

"I thought she might want to watch with me." Roche replied innocently, "It gets boring just watching you swinging your weapons around."

Ivie bit her lip, watching the exchange. She glanced at Tigris, almost apologetic. "I can go." she offered. Tigris waved her off.

"No, no. You're more than welcome to stay here. Roche, go get the targets." Tigris replied. Roche darted off with a breathless promise to return quickly.

That left Tigris and Ivie to stare at each other under the sweltering sun. Ivie rubbed her neck.

"I'm sorry, my lady. I didn't mean to offend you. Roche told me that you were practising with guns today, and I just wanted to see for myself. She wasn't the one to suggest the idea, I was." Ivie apologised.

For a moment, Tigris felt something stir within her, the same stirring she'd felt when she'd met Roche. Like she was on the edge of something new.

Something potentially good.

Tigris took a closer look at the maid in front of her. The woman was well toned but lean. Her fingers were calloused and sure in every movement, even as she fidgeted under Tigris' gaze. Tigris lowered her eyes, noticing the woman had already positioned her feet into a wide, hard to break stance, as sure footed as a knight.

Maybe Roche wasn't wrong.

"Would you like to try?" Tigris offered before she could stop herself.

Ivie blinked with confusion. "Pardon?"

"Would you like to try using one of the guns?" Tigris clarified, watching the woman closely. Ivie's eyes widened with surprise, followed by fascinating determination.

"Certainly, my lady." Ivie replied eagerly.

Tigris smiled to herself as she turned away. She whistled loudly, and the knights stopped their laps.

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