Chapter 164 (Tigris)

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Tigris woke up on time, fully rested, and without a high pitched voice shouting in her ear. That's how she knew Roche wasn't there.

Tigris shot up in bed, rubbing at her face to clear away her sleep. Kai was carefully pulling back the curtains, letting large rays of sun warm the room. The warm light burned against Tigris' eyes, and Kai winced sympathetically.

"Sorry, Tigris."

Tigris waved off the apology, swinging her legs off the edge of the bed. "Where's Roche?"

Kai bit his lips, his eyes shining with concern. "Ruth says she had an errand to run so I decided to fill in for her."

Unease coiled in Tigris' gut. She turned away before Kai could see her expression. "I bet she spent the night at the tavern or something."

The tease fell flat. Kai cocked his head.

"That or she's spending some time away," he suggested gently. No matter how kindly he said the words, they still seared her skin. Tigris fidgeted with the edges of her blanket.

"She was furious yesterday," she confessed guiltily.

Kai moved closer, his calloused hands already adjusting the pillows. "I'd assume so. The entire castle is talking of Verita's betrayal."

Tigris winced at his careful tone. "You don't believe it either, do you?"

Kai hesitated, looking torn. "Verita has served you and your father for a long time, Tigris. It seems strange that she would flee now."

"Eris says that she was probably fleeing the interrogation."

Kai raised a brow. "That's what Eris says. But what do you say?"

The words were an echo of Roche's. Guilt writhed in Tigris' gut.

"I don't want to believe that Verita would betray us either," she replied slowly, "But she knew the Ala. She knew how to contact her, how to reach her, where she was hiding, and didn't inform me until after. I'm pretty sure that she knows where the Ala is right now. Yet she wouldn't tell me. And then... she disappeared. Eris is right that it seems suspicious... even though I know that conclusion hurt Roche." Tigris peered up at Kai's thoughtful face through her lashes, "Do you think I've made an incorrect judgement?"

Kai bit his lip. "From what you said... no, Verita certainly seems suspicious. But perhaps there was a better way to tell Roche that."

Tigris rubbed her face tiredly. "I tried. But there's no easy way to tell someone that her guardian might be a traitor."

Kai's lips twisted in displeasure. "You keep calling her a traitor, for starters. A person of interest might be a better term to use."

"It all sounds like sugar coating a hard to swallow truth."

"Your words matter, Tigris. You're the queen." Kai chided, "And Verita is more than Roche's guardian. She's family to her! Of course it's a hard truth for her to swallow! After Finn, I thought you'd be more sympathetic to how she might be feeling right now. Roche stood next to you throughout the aftermath of Finn. The least you could do is stop pushing her away now."

Tigris' face burned. She bowed her head. "I thought she wanted some time alone."

"I checked on her yesterday," Kai said, "She's heartbroken, Tigris. She needs her friends right now."

Tigris nodded, and Kai faltered suddenly, his fervor disappearing when their eyes connected. He stammered for a beat.

"I... uh-"

"Oh, don't start apologizing when you've done nothing but be right, Kai," Tigris scolded him gently, pressing a kiss to his cheek, "How is it that you always know what to do?"

Kai smiled against her neck, brushing his chapped lips down her collar. "Easy," he murmured into her skin, "I've learned from you."

She giggled as he playfully kissed a path up her neck. His hand tangled in her hair after a beat, and the sharp pain of knotted curls drew them both out of their lustful reverie. After that, Tigris retreated to her restroom to ready herself while Kai prepared her chambers.

"You know," Tigris called through the bathroom door, "I think you're right. Maybe we should do something nice for Roche. Don't tell her I said that, though, she'll never let me hear the end of it."

"Oh, but now I have to tell her!"

"Oh hush," Tigris cracked open the door to throw a hairband at him, smiling when he yelped, "I was thinking of promoting her."

The sounds of Kai's movements went quiet. "A promotion?" he repeated.

"She could be the next librarian for the castle. She certainly has the same affinity for books that Verita has- had."

Kia hesitated and Tigris cracked open the door. She found Kai with his brows furrowed at her like many thoughts were running through his mind.

"What is it?" she asked, "Do you think she won't like that?"

Kai chewed his lip. "No, I think she'd love it. But now might not be the best time for such a gift. It may seem like you're... replacing Verita."

Tigris cringed. "Oh, she'll be furious." Kai nodded solemnly, and Tigris sighed, "Do you think she'll forgive me for condemning Verita as I have? Or will she just hate me forever?"

As much as she loathed to admit it, Roche had become a constant presence at her side. The thought of losing her maid's quiet support was devastating.

Kai's worry instantly faded. He smiled at her gently, moving closer.

"It's Roche," he replied with a laugh, and it was like the sun had broken through the clouds, "She'd never hate you. I've never met anyone more devoted to you in the castle."

Tigris tried to smile, but her mind raced. As she followed Kai to get breakfast, she couldn't help but wonder if this would be the end of Roche's loyalty to her.

She dreaded to think of a world without Roche at her side.

A/N: Here's a bit of a filler chapter, but it's always nice to see Kai being wise :D There's not much in this chapter, lol, but next chapter is a doozy, so hopefully this is a bit of respite before that goes down.

As always, happy reading!

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