Chapter 53 (Roche)

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It was a good thing that the princess was so hard headed. She'd survive her blow to the head. Roche even managed to place a minor healing incantation upon her when no one was looking to speed up the healing process, and Leinos declared the princess concussion free. She'd have a wicked headache, though, which she complained of loudly when she awoke.

But she was alive.

Thanks to Ivie's brilliant idea.

"Did I ever tell you that you're a genius?" Roche murmured as Leinos forcefed the princess a few elixirs.

Ivie smiled at her patiently, but her stony hazel eyes were distant. "That creature... it's still out there."

"But now the people have a way to defend themselves. Plus, you saved the princess." Roche nudged her, "That counts for something."

"Not enough." Ivie murmured, twisting her hands together. Tigris sat up in her cot, her eyes only slightly unfocused.

"It is enough. You did more than most of the knights did." Tigris chided, "The entire battalion would be dead if not for your quick thinking. Roche is right, you acted nobly today."

Ivie looked down, smiling bashfully. "It was nothing, my lady. I'm not the one who ended up in a cot."

"That is only a mark of your skill." Tigris replied, easing herself off the healing cot. She waved Leinos off when he tried to push her back down. "I must report to my father immediately. That is no normal beast."

Roche's stomach turned immediately. That beast was her fault. The Council was after her, and the deaths of all those knights was because of it.

Roche nodded goodbye to Ivie and trudged after the princess to the councilroom. Tigris curtsied unsteadily, but her eyes were set with determination as she stood. Aodh watched her with worry in his eyes.

"Daughter," Romulus greeted, "I was receiving a report from Aodh. I'd like you to confirm."

"Of course, my lord." Tigris nodded staunchly, "Our weapons were useless against the creature. Its skin was not pierced by my sharpest blade, and it was impervious to any bullet. It displayed incredible strength and was able to throw me and several knights with a single movement."

"And the eyes, mouth, nose?"

"Also impervious to blades and bullets." Tigris confirmed with a nod. Her red hair was frizzy around her head, forming a halo. "It also seemed to breathe ice."

"Ice?" Romulus leaned forward. Roche cursed. There was no way they would see that it wasn't a creature of inkblood now.

"It froze my sword and shattered it." Tigris yanked out her broken sword, only a jagged piece of the hilt remaining. She clutched it tightly, "All with a single breath."

"This is no ordinary creature, then." the king deduced. "Verita, what have you found?"

Verita cast Roche a look that warned her to be silent as she stepped forward submissibly. "I believe it to be an Atrex, sire. A creature summoned by powerful inkbloods with the intent to destroy."

Romulus looked like Verita had told him it was the grim reaper. "This cannot be allowed to stand."

Aodh cleared his throat. "Sire, if I may? Perhaps we should revisit the possibility of the Council of Sev-"

"Silence!" the king bellowed, his outraged voice tinged with panic. Aodh's face immediately went blank. He bowed stiffly, stepping into the shadows.

Tigris didn't bat an eye, keeping her expression carefully still as her father loomed.

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