Chapter 82 (Tigris)

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TW: Blood and injuries

Finn hadn't come to seek out his siblings or servants in the hour before the match, so they decided to go to him. Surprisingly, he wasn't standing with the other knights or even in the armoury. Instead, he was leaning against one of the tentpoles of the makeshift infirmary that had been set up beside the arena. His pale skin gleamed with sweat, his eyes sharp and serious as he conversed with Verita and Leinos.

"-needs more time, I know it." he was saying. Leinos sighed.

"You can't be sure of that, my lord."

"Why does no one trust me about these things!" Finn snapped, his voice harsher than Tigris had ever heard it. He threw his hands up in exasperation. "I saw it. I know I did."

"Saw what?" Aodh asked. Tigris elbowed him as Finn, Leinos, and Verita all spun around with varying guilty expressions. Finn's face shuttered and Tigris knew that she wouldn't be getting a straight answer.

"It doesn't matter," Finn shifted, crossing his arms, "What are you doing here?"

"Looking for you," Tigris answered. Her chest tightened with worry. "The match is starting in a few minutes."

"Right," Finn dragged a hand down his sweaty face, his chocolate brown curls plastered to his forehead, "The match."

Something about the words made Leinos and Verita exchange a glance.

"My lord-" Leinos tried to say.

"That will be all, Leinos. Thank you." Finn gritted out, stalking away towards the arena. The vehemence of his voice took Tigris aback. Finn usually never lashed out at others, even when he was in the deepest throes of fury. He must really be worried about the match. Tigris' stomach flipped nervously. Finn tended to fight sloppier when he was fearful or distracted. He'd never quite mastered the art of using his emotion to fuel him in a fight.

Kai and Aodh were hurrying after him. Tigris turned to follow but a withered hand looped around her wrist.

Verita stared intently at her. "You need to get Finn to yield as quickly as possible." was all the old librarian said, "It's best if he doesn't fight at all. He's not well."

"I know," Tigris said softly, "I've seen how his test from that dumb quest has affected him. But-"

"If you can't get him to not fight, then get him to yield as quickly as possible." Leinos cautioned, wringing his hands nervously, "Sir Harold has not been kind to his opponents. I don't want to see the Prince hurt."

Tigris felt a fresh stab of fear. She imagined Harold snapping Finn's leg easily, just like he had with his last opponent. Revulsion crept up her throat, leaving an acrid taste. She nodded curtly. "I'll do my best." she promised before jogging after her brother.

Finn stormed towards the arena, his eyes narrowing as he saw Harold standing in the center of fighting grounds. Aodh and Kai lingered behind him, seeming unsure what to say. Tigris seized Finn's shoulder, her fingers burning against the warm plates of his armour. She yanked him back a step before he could enter the fighting grounds.

"What were you arguing about with Leinos and Verita?" she asked quietly.

Finn's eyes flashed. "They were trying to convince me to withdraw." he muttered flatly, "Father has already made it clear that cannot happen."

There was a dull resignation in his eyes. Her eyes dragged towards her father, sitting on his dais. Surely he'd seen what Harold had done to his previous opponents. Was he so sure in his children's abilities that he was prepared to let them face the brutal knight?

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