Chapter 105 (Tigris)

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Tigris awoke at the top of a large, regal set of stairs. She groaned, her head fuzzy as she emerged from unconsciousness. Her hands fumbled with a swathe of thick fabric in her lap. She stared at it uncomprehendingly, her foggy mind barely registering the lack of the tiny body that should be wrapped in the cloak.


Her mind cleared suddenly, her memories flooding into her mind. She sat up, looking around frantically. The scribe was nowhere to be found on the stairs, but a large threshold was in front of her. Tigris stood, rolling her shoulders, anticipation washing over her.

With Tarak's arrival, the test was imminent. Perhaps it had already begun.

She placed one hand on the hilt of her sword and was careful not to draw it as she walked into the large, circular room.

And promptly froze, confusion and horror filling her as she saw someone who definitely shouldn't be here.

"Roche?" Tigris whispered. The maid was sitting stiffly on one side of the large, grey stone table in the centre of the enormous room marked with runes and surrounded by mirrors.

Roche's face was blank and resigned. She drew her eyes up to Tigris apologetically.

"I'm sorry," Roche whispered instantly. Tarak stood behind her high backed chair, his face serene. Behind him, on the wall, was an infuriated looking man. He scowled at Tigris as she entered.

"Good, you're finally awake. Took you long enough." he snarked. Tigris vaguely recognized him as the man who she'd met at the bar who'd been with her when she failed the last test.

Tigris drew her eyes to Tarak, her resolve and fear hardening to steel. "Let them go," she ordered, as calmly as she could, "The curse on the kingdom is my doing, not theirs. They shouldn't have to take my test."

"Ah, but your maid is part of the test." Tarak said, his voice flat and neutral. Tigris stepped closer, and she could see Orpheus tucked into his side, fast asleep. At least he'd been returned to his guardian.

At least something had gone according to plan. Her panic mounted at Roche's fearful eyes that gazed up at her, communicating some message she didn't have the time nor patience to unravel.

Tigris jerked her chin at the man on the wall. "Let him go, then. He has nothing to do with this."

The man's eyes widened with what looked like surprise, and he fell silent.

Tarak tilted his head. "You have my word that he will be released once your test is complete. I can't let him go for now, lest he interfere."

"I won't!" the man, Tigris faintly recalled that his name was Brom, sneered, "Put me down! I'm not a bloody mosquito trapped in amber!"

Tarak ignored him. Tigris opted to as well. She walked towards the table, sitting in the seat next to Roche. Her maid was trembling, displaying none of the warrior's grace Tigris had been taught to display in these kinds of situations.

Tigris couldn't help but feel a shred of pity for her. She sighed, softening her voice from the harsh reprimand she wanted to use.

"I thought I told you to stay in the castle." she chastised Roche gently.

Roche lowered her head meekly. "I'm sorry," she repeated softly. Tigris pinched the bridge of her nose, feeling a headache brewing.

"How the hell did you even get out of the restraints?"

Roche flashed her a weak smile. "I have many talents, princess."

Tigris chuckled lightly. "Being an idiot, mainly."

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