Chapter 138 (Tigris)

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Roche's sure words followed Tigris into her slumber. She'd never seen Roche so confident about anything else before.

There is no one else I would trust to rule.

Tigris shivered at the pure rush of emotion that raced through her at those words, like she was teetering over the edge of a cliff again. Regardless of whether she had the right to rule, one thing was certain. Finn could not be left on the throne. Not after what he'd done. Tigris gritted her teeth, blocking out the sight of the undead warriors firing into the crowd of innocents.

Had Finn really allowed that to happen? Finn, who used to fear fighting and preferred to hide under the table at meetings? He was barely a man, and yet he'd seen himself fit to commandeer an entire kingdom and kill its people.

Tigris' heart ached despite everything Finn had done. He was still her brother. She knew the injustice he had faced, she'd seen how it had worn on him. Though she understood, she couldn't let him continue down his path of destruction. So in the morning, Tigris found herself nibbling on the meagre breakfast Roche and Kai had scrounged up as she spoke to their small group.

Sir Harold had drawn a map of the castle into the mulch. "We could try the eastern gate-"

"We'd have to cross the beach, they're crawling with guards right now." Aodh replied, shaking his head, "It's too risky."

"Besides," Tigris added, brushing back a stray strand of hair as she approached, "the dungeons are on the southern side of the castle. That's our priority right now. If we can get to the dungeons, we can free the knights and even out our numbers."

"Forgive me for the concern, my lady," Sir Harold said gently, "But the dungeons are the most heavily manned by the undead, from what I saw. How will the three of us fight through all of those warriors?"

"You mean the five of us," Kai interrupted, coming to stand beside Tigris. He held her gaze, a small smile tipping his lips as Roche came to stand next to him. "We're coming too."

"No," Aodh said immediately, "You two don't know how to fight."

"I do," Kai replied, his voice steely but kind, "I'm not a knight, but you've made me train with you for years. I can hold my own, and I want to."

"The castle is our home," Roche added, tilting her chin up almost defiantly, "We want to fight for it too."

Tigris chewed her lip. "Alright, but there's still only five of us against a group of inkbloods and an army of zombies."

"It might not just be the five of us," Roche interjected.

Tigris scoffed. "I can't bank this plan on the survivors taking up arms. They shouldn't have to fight for their freedom, that's our job." Her mind raced. They just needed to even out the numbers a bit. She glanced at Roche again, an idea forming in her mind. "What about those tunnels?"

Roche stiffened at the question, her eyes flashing guiltily. "I found them by accident, princess."

"But have you explored them?" Tigris pressed. When Roche hesitated, she added, "For goodness sake, I'm not going to punish you! Do you know if any of the tunnels exit outside the castle? It's been too long since I've looked at the schematics."

Roche chewed her lip. "There's a few exits and entrances along these points." She leaned over, using a stick to draw a few points along Harold's diagram. Tigris immediately latched onto the most accessible ones along the beach and forest edge. There were even ones facing the lower town and the castle gates.

"If we can get through there, we can use the exit Roche used yesterday," Tigris explained aloud, watching the realisation strike the faces of those around her.

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