Chapter 47 (Tigris)

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A/N: Homophobia, racism, S@, 

She helped Roche back into the house and set her down on one of the chairs. Roche stared at the grain of the wooden table sullenly, tracing patterns with her fingers.

Tigris swallowed down a wave of raging protectiveness as she watched her maid. She'd been sneaking up on her brothers with a stick to smack them when Roche's shout had split the air.

Now, the princess couldn't get the image of Roche laying prone beneath that witch of a woman, desperation and defeat carved into every line of her normally sweet face.

Elena burst back through the doors, her face flushed. She stormed over to Roche, her normally kind features twisted with anguish.

"I told you not to leave the house! The chief somehow knows you were out!" Elena snapped. Roche blinked at her mother wearily.

"Mama, it was Mallory. She found me." the words were flat. Elena's fury crumbled almost instantly. She glanced at the royals and Roche sighed, "It's alright, Mama. They were there. I took them outside. It was my fault." Roche's throat bobbed with a swallow, her voice cracking, "I'm sorry."

"Oh no," Elena swooped forward, hugging Roche close to her chest. Roche stayed there, limp in her mother's embrace. Tigris' heart shattered in her chest. Beside her, Finn watched just as helplessly.

"Mama, we need to go. The chief will take it out on you if we stay any longer." Roche said simply, patting her mother's arm. Tigris' chest burned.

"No he won't." she announced, tilting her chin up. "You, Elena, will be rewarded for your service to the crown. Once we get back to the city, my father will know of your sacrifice and selflessness. The chief will not be able to challenge such a gift."

Elena's eyes rounded. She let out a disbelieving huff. "My lady, I assure you it was no sacrifice. I don't need a reward."

Tigris waved off the concern. "You've done much for us. Both you and your daughter have risked yourselves for us. I refuse to let that go unrewarded."

Elena's eyes welled up. She laughed, and Tigris couldn't help but notice how much that sounded like her daughter. She fell to her knees, but Finn rushed forward to help her up.

"You don't have to do that," he assured her warmly, eyes sparkling. Roche smiled faintly, rising to her feet with a wobble. She managed to lower herself to her mother's level and wrap her in a hug. And despite the hollow look in the maid's eyes, she held her mother warmly.

"You'll be okay, Mama. You can trust these nobles." The unwavering faith in Roche's voice warmed Tigris' chest.

Elena hugged her daughter back. Tigris swallowed away the melancholy mix of envy and joy that twisted her heart. After what felt like an eternity, Aodh walked through the door and the mother and daughter duo split apart.

"The chief has been briefed on the new arrangements." Aodh announced, his eyes scanning the scene. He avoided Roche's curious gaze. "He'll stay away from you and your home."

Elena nodded, brushing a strand of her daughter's hair, her fingers lingering. She stood, meeting Tigris' gaze with teary brown eyes. "I don't know how to repay this kindness."

"You don't need to." Tigris assured her, "This is nothing more than you deserve."

Elena hesitated for a moment, then she was crossing the distance between them. Before Tigris could react, Elena's arms wrapped around her. She smelled of earth and candles, her calloused hands warm and sure with the motherly embrace.

Tigris hadn't been hugged this way in many years.

Tears rose in her throat before she gathered her senses and forced them back.

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