Chapter 26 (Roche)

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"What were you thinking?" Verita shouted, pacing their quarters. It was nearly nightfall. Roche lowered her gaze.

"I can't just let a man die! I thought you'd be happy I found the antidote!" Roche protested meekly. Verita turned, shooting her a fearsome glare.

"I've searched this library from top to bottom. There are no instructions for an antidote! So, where did you get it?"

Roche chewed her lip. Something told her Verita would be even more furious if she found out she had a bird infestation in her walls.

"My... inkblood told me." she fibbed. That seemed to take Verita aback. The librarian tilted her head, looking more curious now.

"Did it now?" she asked slowly. Roche felt a sweat break out on her forehead, but nodded anyway. Verita scrutinized her for a few moments before turning, her black, judge-like robes flapping. The royal sigil on the front gleamed a brilliant red.

"I don't think you've thought this through," Verita sighed after what felt like an eternity, "How are you planning on using inkblood to save the prince without the royals knowing?"

Roche straightened. "They won't know."

Verita groaned. Roche half expected her to storm away. Instead, she lowered herself to the bench beside Roche.

"What do you plan on doing?"

"I got Tigris to help me steal the datura flower from Lord Luctus as a backup." Roche stood, running to her room. She grabbed the petal she'd saved from days ago. "If I can do it with this, then I'll just give this to Finn."

"And you think Leinos will let you give his patient a self-made potion?"

Roche turned her pleading eyes to Verita. It took the librarian a moment to understand. Her eyes widened.

"No. I can't convince him, he won't heed me." she said flatly. Roche widened her eyes, trying desperately to look like a puppy. Verita did not seem impressed.

"Please?" Roche begged, "Leinos listens to you."

"Only because he's my ex-husband!" Verita snapped. Roche chewed her lip.

"Verita, please!" Roche pleaded, "Finn's life is at stake."

Verita's eyes were frosty, but she sighed, her grey bun looking more severe than ever. "Fine," Verita muttered sourly, "Now hurry. The moon will be shining soon."

Roche rushed to their window, propping the petal on the windowsill. Verita pushed a bench up to it, and they both sat. It took several long moments before the first beams of moonlight made the petal gleam ghoulishly. Verita lit a candle, a small hint of warmth in the chilly room.

"Go on," the librarian instructed. Roche steadied herself, pulling up her sleeve. She needed to do this carefully. Circe had warned her that her pronunciation had to be perfect.

She swallowed, her throat suddenly dry. Her hands shook.

"I need a vial. Or something to hold the antidote." she said, proud when her voice held steady.

Verita rummaged through the room, finally bringing over a jar. Roche lifted the petal with trembling fingers, holding it just over the lip of the glass jar. She closed her eyes, willing her inkblood to surface. It thrummed in her veins, a river from which she could drink. She dipped into it, feeling comforting pain cleave through her like a long lost friend.

When she opened her eyes, she was almost certain they were darkened with shadowy inkblood.

"Oid vissicia pharmikeum. Kithra loir sallo qui mordere!" Roche chanted, the words building, inkblood clotting beneath her fingertips, in the air around her. She vaguely registered Verita's jaw dropping. The wild scent of inkblood filled Verita's chambers. Roche closed her eyes, feeling moonlight pulse against her skin.

"Oid vissicia pharmikeum. Kithra loir sallo qui mordere!" she repeated again, louder. Her inkblood frenzied now, whipping the air in front of her face like a maelstrom. She gripped the petal, her blood thrumming. The words seared her tongue as she shouted again.

"Oid vissicia pharmikeum. Kithra loir sallo qui mordere!"

Roche pushed her hand out, inkblood blasting through the air. The moonlight thickened, twining into a viscous substance that coated the flower. Roche watched, her heart in her throat as the petal sank to the bottom of the jar.

And all she could do was watch in horror as the petal disintegrated into ash, right before her eyes.

"No," Roche breathed. This wasn't how it was supposed to go. Verita's hand was on her shoulder, a comfort she didn't deserve.

"It's okay, Roche."

"No, it's not!" Roche shouted, jumping to her feet to pace, "If I can't get this right-"

"You will," Verita said firmly, her papery fingers curling around her wrist, "But you might not get the chance to if we stay here. The princess has the flower. You have several more petals to use."

Roche stared at the dust in the jar. A lump filled her throat.

"If I fail-"

"You'll have done more than anyone could." Verita assured her.

That wasn't good enough! But Verita was right. If she lingered here, she wouldn't get the chance to try again. Then, Finn would really be dead. Roche steadied herself with a deep breath. She had to try again.

For Finn.

For Kai.

For whatever fate Circe had told her about. She'd been given inkblood for some reason, and damn it all if she couldn't use it to help!

"Let's go." she murmured, racing out of Verita's quarters, the librarian a step behind her.

A/N Don't worry, Roche. You have main character protection, things will work out :)

How are y'all liking the story so far? I feel like it's getting a little basic, but I'm planning on editing it once I'm done so hopefully it'll get better then. Lmk what y'all think in the comments :D. Enjoy!

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