Chapter 163 (Roche)

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The night was spent searching. Roche dodged guards, sprinting all the way to the infirmary where Leinos confirmed that he hadn't seen Verita in a few hours. He joined her in her search, becoming paler and paler as the night stretched on.

The library security footage showed no sign of Verita leaving the library. No one in the castle had seen her either.

Dread and panic encompassed Roche when Leinos gently suggested that they inform the royal guards. Soon a castle wide manhunt had been enacted for the librarian.

Morning came and there was still no sign of the ancient woman. Roche turned up to Tigris' chambers expecting to find the princess in a frantic flurry of activity, ordering knights to find the most coveted librarian in the kingdom.

Instead, she found Tigris fully dressed and next to Lady Eris, deep in discussion with a few other influential nobles.

"-was planning on an interrogation," Eris was saying solemnly, "Seems she's fled."

Roche felt her heart sink as Tigris nodded in confirmation.

"Hopefully she will return," the princess was saying, nodding dismissively at the nobles, "Until then, I'd like word to be sent that I don't want any extra search parties sent out. I don't need more resources being spent on Ala sympathisers."

Roche went numb with shock. She watched the nobles and Eris leave to spread the word to the knights and other nobles. Tigris finally noticed Roche standing there, quivering with emotion, and the princess' eyes lit up.

"Ah, Roche," Tigris greeted, albeit a bit stiffly, "I've been waiting for you. Do you know how late you are?"

The words were teasing, a gentle opening for a difficult conversation. Roche wanted none of the soft segue.

"Was that about Verita?" she demanded to know, slamming Tigris' breakfast down on the study.

Tigris winced slightly, her green eyes fractured with guilt. She nodded.

"I wanted to talk to you before I sent word out, but the knights were already conducting the manhunt. I didn't want to wast- use up their time more than necessary."

Roche's blood boiled at the slip.

"So that's it then?" she hissed venomously, "You're going to let Verita stay kidnapped because of her knowledge of the Ala? I was there too that night, Tigris! You promised her immunity for her actions!"

Tigris flinched at the words. A vindictive part of Roche's mind whispered good and she did nothing to silence it.

"We're not so sure that she was kidnapped, Roche," Tigris said gently.

Genuine shock filtered through Roche, forcing her mind to go blank. She gaped at the princess in disbelief.

"What?" she asked flatly.

Tigris moved closer, hands splayed like she was calming a rabid animal. "I questioned Verita about the Ala's whereabouts yesterday. She lied to me, Roche. I planned to have her gently interrogated today-"

"Interrogated?" Roche couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Gently interrogated," Tigris repeated calmly, even though her eyes were steeped with sorrow, "The timing is just too convenient. She disappeared after we started asking too many questions. Do you understand me, Roche?"

Roche was so gobsmacked that she could barely speak. Tigris seemed to take this as a confirmation that Roche did not, in fact, understand. The princess moved closer cautiously, her face almost apologetic.

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