Chapter 128 (Roche)

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The doors to the dungeons squealed open. Roche felt every cell in her body vibrating with excitement as a figure surfaced, silhouetted by the morning light, supported by two guards.

"Verita!" Roche gasped, launching forward to hug her guardian. Verita chuckled, her arms looping around Roche. She leaned her full weight on Roche's shoulders, but Roche didn't care. She stayed there, clinging to Verita as relief diffused through her muscles.

"Easy now, Roche. I'm alright." Verita said, her voice tinged with mirth. She shifted, and Roche felt another body enter the embrace. She pulled away, letting Leinos hug his ex-wife tightly. He pulled away, eyes glistening. His thumb brushed Verita's bruised cheeks tenderly.

"Don't do that again," he murmured, his hand cupping her jaw, "My heart can't take it."

"I make no promises," Verita replied, his voice low and teasing. Roche hid her smile as Verita leaned into Leinos' touch, her lashes brushing lower on her cheeks. Her eyes cracked open, catching Roche standing there with an amused grin. Verita pulled away with a sigh, "Shall we go? I don't care much for the dungeons, I'm afraid."

"That makes two of us," Leinos agreed, offering his arm readily. Verita's cheeks flushed red. Roche locked eyes with her guardian, glee mounting within her.

Come on, Verita. Don't leave him hanging.

Verita's lips twitched like she heard the thought. She looped her arm with Leinos, letting him lead her back to the library. Roche followed, listening to the two castle elders exchange low murmurs, catching one another up about the past few days.

In their chambers, Leinos applied various poultices to Verita's bruises and tested her vision as Roche sat on the table in front of Verita, excitedly recounting the past few days.

"So then I used the incantation I came up with after reading that book on cryogenics, the ancient one from the third floor! Remember that? It warmed Tigris up from the inside out. Then I-" Roche's voice choked off, her vision going black for a moment. Her blood roared in her ears, drowning out all other sensation for several moments. When her thoughts stopped blurring together and her hearing returned, Roche cracked open her eyes to find Leinos and Verita staring at her silently.

"Roche?" Verita asked, her voice concerned, "Are you alright?"

Roche swallowed, her tongue dry and heavy in her mouth. "I don't know," she mumbled, hopping off the edge of the table. She flexed her fingers, feeling an aftershock ripple through her blood. No, not her blood. Her inkblood.

She gripped the edge of the table, steadying herself as the wave of an enchantment washed over her again.

"Someone's using inkblood. Strong inkblood." she mumbled, trying to stake conscious.

Verita groaned. "I thought Lisa was dead!"

"She is," Leinos confirmed grimly, "I did her autopsy myself!"

"Then who is this?" Roche murmured, trying to focus on the overwhelming sensation that pressed against her like a smothering blanket. "They're strong."

Verita bit her lip. "You know, maybe Circe has felt something too. They are a creature of inkblood. They'll know which inkbloods roam the castle."

The words drew Roche out of her stupor. She leaned back, her eyes narrowing at the two shifty looking elders in front of her. She crossed her arms over her chest, trying not to feel put out.

"So," Roche said slowly, choosing her words carefully, "You knew about the giant Striga in your walls? And you knew that I was visiting them?"

Leinos looked away instantly, revealing his guilt. Verita also lowered her gaze.

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