Chapter 140 (Tigris)

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The zombies fell like puppets with their strings cut. Ruth, Brom, Sir Harold, and Kai made quick work of them as Tigris herded the freed knights out of the dungeons.

"Half of you get to the upper and lower towns. Protect the civilians, guard them with your lives! The rest of you, get to the armoury, grab a sword, and begin working at the zombies! We don't know how long their vulnerability will last!" she ordered. The knights hurried to follow her orders.

"Tigris!" she turned to find Aodh shaking his head at her, "Father's not here!"

Her heart sank. He had to be held in solitary, then. She tossed Aodh the ring of keys, glancing at the rest of her knights as she did so. "Are you lot alright?" she asked.

Ruth nodded, smiling as she cut down another warrior. She picked up his key ring with the tip of her sword. "Go. We can handle the rest."

Tigris nodded, turning to leave.

"Wait!" Kai shouted, running to catch up to her. His rich skin gleamed with sweat that trickled down his temples. His blade was splattered with zombie gore. Tigris felt a stirring of searing heat within her at the sight of him, but his words immediately sobered her.

"I think I know where the king might be. Finn mentioned it to me once. He's in a hidden wing of solitary. Finn said he read it in a book. I can lead you there!"

Tigris' spirits rose, elatement filling her. She was going to get the king back.

She was going to get the kingdom back.

For the first time, the end of this awful coup seemed in sight. Kai smiled at her warmly, somehow looking radiant, even after all the fighting. He pressed a kiss to her cheekbone before bounding ahead of her. Aodh shrugged, holding open the door for both of them.

Kai led them through the twisting corridors of the dungeon, wading deeper into the solitary wing than Tigris had ever seen before. Aodh looked uneasy at the sudden silence that contrasted the deafening sounds of fighting from just moments ago.

"I don't think I've ever been this far into solitary before," he muttered nervously.

Kai nodded. "Finn said that he wanted the king completely isolated. Something about making him feel what he felt while in the dungeons."

The words were horrific, so unlike Finn that Tigris could barely believe it. Then again, she never would have thought Finn to be capable of holding the entire castle hostage.

Kai peered at the walls around him, his jaw clenching. "Finn said he should be just up ahead." he muttered, turning the corner. Tigris moved to follow him when a voice rang out.

"Hello, Kai."

Hands wrapped around Tigris' mouth, yanking her back. She struggled against them, moving to twist away from her captor when Aodh appeared in front of her, shaking his head frantically. Tigris stopped struggling.

"It's me!" Ivie whispered, releasing Tigris slowly. She pressed a finger to her lips, the movement barely visible in the dark cells.

"Ivie, what are you doing here!" Tigris hissed, "Where's Roche?"

As if in answer, the warning bells began to wail loudly. Tigris felt a headache pulse between her eyes. Ivie murmured, "We saw Finn coming towards you. He knew you'd look for your father and brought his entire army here."

Tigris' blood turned to ice in her veins. She tore herself away from Ivie and Aodh, peeking her head around the corner.

Kai was frozen, staring at the mass of bodies in front of him. The zombies were packed in the room, standing shoulder to shoulder obediently with warmly glowing torches. At the very front, facing Kai with a smile so cold that it gave Tigris goosebumps, was Finn.

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