Chapter 183 (Tigris)

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Aodh was as clueless and insufferable as always. He paced around her chambers as she sorted through various pieces of legislation she was expected to review before the next court meeting.

"The guard needs to be doubled along the Irulian border," he was telling her gravely, flipping a dagger in his hand as he walked, "There's been reports of unrest after the dragon attack. There are also uska passing the border now."

"If we double the guard, we're just ignoring the people of Irulia asking for aid," Tigris mused distractedly. Her mind was fixated on Kai, on their earlier argument. Was he going to tell Aodh about Roche anyway?

If word spread about Roche's inkblood, the maid would become a pariah. And if Tigris said a word that wasn't in favour of a punishment, she'd be accused of being enchanted. There would be no way to save Roche then.

"I was suggesting the guard so that they could protect the people of Irulia, not keep them away from Faultless land," Aodh continued. Tigris barely focused on him as he added, "There's also been reports of a giant snowman that's been eating distracted queens for breakfast."

"Right. Whatever you think is best."

Aodh inhaled sharply, a sound that dragged Tigris out of her thoughts. "Alright. What is it?"

Tigris blinked at him in confusion. "What?"

"You've been acting weird since we recaptured the castle. I thought you'd be celebrating but instead you're moping," Aodh complained, hefting himself onto her study. He crushed a stack of new laws and legislation under his weight and smirked when Tigris scowled at him.

"I have not been moping," Tigris snapped, "Now get off my study-"

"Is it Roche?"

The question made her freeze. She drew her gaze up, her blood turning to ice in her veins. For a moment, she feared the worst. That Aodh had learned the truth.

Her petrified expression must have given her away because Aodh sighed, his eyes softening. "I knew it. Look, I'm pretty sure she's fine."

Tigris blinked in surprise. She wasn't sure what she'd been expecting, but it certainly hadn't been this. "What?"

Aodh rolled his eyes. "I know you're worried about her, but I asked Leinos and he said she's fine. She's perfectly healed from that uskoi bite, and I'm pretty sure she's just shirking her duties for kicks at this point. My chambers haven't been cleaned in ages, and she's been faking a limp every time I ask her about it. I saw her walking normally right after she turned away from me!"

A startled laugh rattled out of Tigris, relief coursing through her. He didn't know. He thought she was just worried about Roche. Tigris realised a moment too late that the excuse would have been perfect to explain away her distractedness, but it was too late. Aodh caught her small snort of laughter and narrowed his eyes, concern and curiosity blooming in his expression.

"So it's not Roche," he mused as alarm shot through Tigris. She fought to keep her face blank, wondering how Roche had managed to keep her secret so well as Aodh asked, "So what is it then?"

Tigris opened her mouth to spout open some excuse when the doors to her chamber burst open. Roche flew into the room, glancing around wildly. When whoever she was looking for didn't appear, she slammed the doors close and leaned against them like she was keeping out a mob.

"Oh thank the gods you're here! He's been keeping you away from me all day!" Roche gasped, panting like she'd run all the way from the library to Tigris' chambers. She straightened, her eyes wide with panic. "Tigris, he's enchanted! Kai's been enchanted and he's been talking to Finn!"

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