Chapter 66 (Tigris)

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"Roche?" Tigris stormed down the halls of the castle. It was well into the lunch hour and her incompetent maid hadn't shown up. Tigris growled as she stalked onto the fields teeming with servants and maids setting up for the tournament in a few days.

She scanned the fields looking for a telltale bob of midnight black hair or a flash of warm brown skin, but nothing met her eyes. She rolled her eyes. Of course she gave Roche one morning off and the maid managed to slack off.

Tigris spotted Kai separating from the masses. Roche wasn't at his side. Tigris jogged to catch up to him as he made a beeline for the castle. His eyes widened as she approached.

"Tigris!" he called, bowing hastily, "Did Finn send you? I got a bit delayed." His face was slick with sweat. Tigris shook her head, trying to loosen some of the worry from the servant's face.

"No, Finn's fine. I'm looking for Roche, have you seen her? She's late."

Kai's brows furrowed. "We got separated. She was putting flags over there..." he trailed off as he pointed to the opposite side of the fields which was notably empty, save for a few knights wrapping up their training.

Kai rubbed his neck as Tigris' stare hardened.

"Unbelievable. First, she steals my breakfast. Now she won't even give me my lunch." Tigris complained. That girl was so dead.

"Ah, have mercy on her, princess. Maybe she's in the kitchens picking it up. I'll see if she's there while I pick up Finn's lunch." he promised.

"I'll come with you. I'd like the pleasure of telling her off myself." Tigris said, following Kai through the servant halls. They drew a few looks from passing servants. They all seemed familiar with Kai. Many of them tossed Finn's servant cheerful smiles and waves that were easily returned.

"I never knew you were so popular, Kai." Tigris noted teasingly, watching his cheeks darken with a flush. He averted his eyes bashfully, softening his enchantingly dark eyes.

"I'm really not. They all just like Finn." he replied, rubbing his neck.

"Give yourself some credit," Tigris told him with a lopsided smile, "Finn barely leaves his room. I know for a fact that they like you."

Kai stammered something indecipherable out as Tigris watched him with amusement. They scanned the kitchen they'd entered, carefully staying out of the way of the bustling staff. Tigris had received many ladles to the head as a child for trying to snag extra food off the passing trays.

Kai cut through the swarm of white clothed bodies, loading a tray with chicken legs, ripened cherry tomatoes, sauces, salads, and a variety of other decadent foodstuffs that made Tigris' mouth water. He did the same to a second tray, his eyes darting around nervously before he returned to her side.

"I don't see Roche anywhere." he murmured worriedly, "Do you think she's alright?"

The concern in his voice made Tigris feel uneasy. "Maybe she's with Finn blabbering about some book. Or gossiping again." she suggested. Kai bit his lip nervously, worrying it between his teeth. He shrugged.

"Perhaps." Kai held out one of the trays, "This is for you."

"Thank you." Tigris grabbed it, popping a piece of tomato into her mouth, relishing in the tart burst of juice in her mouth with a soft moan.

A gurgling sound filled the air. Tigris' eyes popped open, and Kai was studying Finn's tray like he wished it would swallow him whole.

A realisation struck Tigris at that moment. "Have you eaten yet?"

Kai looked away. "I will once I've given this to Finn." he promised, wincing with embarrassment, "I'm sorry, my lady. I didn't mean to..."

"To be hungry?" Tigris chuckled. She held out her tray. "Have some. I can't finish all this, Roche usually steals half of it."

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