Chapter 154 (Roche)

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It took a while for the castle to recover from Finn's griffin attack. Whatever last hopes Tigris and Aodh had for their brother's innocence faded, leaving grimness in its wake. The sombre mood hung over the castle as the months ticked by. Roche battled her own grief, letting the pulse of lost souls fade into a gentle tide in the back of her mind.

A year passed, and she honoured her father's memory by learning more about her abilities as a whisper. Circe let her practice commanding creatures of ink. Normally it was silly little tasks, like ordering the Striga to stop blowing her around the tunnels and demanding them to tell her a story. Circe encouraged the practice, only intervening or fighting back when Roche tired herself too much.

"Save your strength, Ala. You still need to protect the Fyra."

Tigris. The princess had grown closer to her family over the past months. Roche often accompanied the princess to lunch with Aodh, where they sat with their slowly recovering father to talk. They didn't mention Finn for the king's sake. Something seemed to have changed in the king after the griffin attack. He was slowly recovering, gaining his strength over the passing days. He now chatted weakly with his children on occasion, smiling at a few of their jokes.

Even so, he wasn't well enough to rule again. Tigris had done an admirable job at managing her new workload, but she still struggled under the burden of satisfying the old court and new court. Sometimes, in the dead of night, Roche wished the king would just die already so that Tigris could let her newer, more progressive court take hold. Yet she knew the pain of losing a father. She wouldn't wish that upon Tigris.

The princess settled on relying on Kai and Aodh's counsel. And of course, she continued bantering with Roche, who was very happy to provide relief from the pandering nobles.

"Woo! I win again!" Roche smacked down her hand of cards before rising to her feet to do a small victory dance.

Tigris leaned back, scowling. "You cheated!"

"Did not!"

"Then what's that?"

Tigris pointed to the small handheld mirror that Roche had placed behind the princess before the game had started. Damn. She thought the princess wouldn't notice.

"That," Roche hesitated, scrambling for a lie, "Is to... check my makeup!"

Tigris shot her a dubious look. "Your makeup?" she repeated, lifting her perfect brow, "You wear makeup?"

Roche tried not to feel offended. "I do your makeup every morning! Why is it so hard to believe that I can do my own?"

"Because," Tigris scoffed, "You also don't comb your hair or own more than three dresses. And I recall having to teach you about how to do my eyeshadow."

Roche blinked. "I actually read about that in a book."

"What book? Makeup for idiots?"


Roche elbowed the princess, and Tigris dodged her, tackling her with ease. Roche fought for a moment before she surrendered. Tigris grappled with her, sending cards flying. The door swung open, and they both froze.

The latest newcomer to court froze in the doorway, her eyes scanning over the scene. "My lady, am I interrupting something?"

Roche's cheeks scalded at their current position, Tigris straddling her, hands pressed against her shoulders. She keenly felt the warmth of Tigris' fingers as she flicked Roche on the cheek before rising regally, her eyes sparkling.

"Of course not, Eris. Please, come in."

Roche quickly popped to her feet, shaking cards off her skirts before bending to pick them up. Tigris moved to the other side of the room with Eris. The woman had emerged from the rubble after the griffin attack requesting an audience with Princess Tigris. Upon meeting, she'd lowered her hood, revealing wild chestnut hair and uncannily bright green eyes. She had the same cunning, feline twinkle as Tigris in her eyes as she'd curtsied deeply, brandishing the sigil of Tigris' mother.

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