Chapter 68 (Tigris)

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The sun streamed freely through the windows when Tigris awoke, meaning that she'd awoken far too late. She sat up in bed, waiting for the clattering and cursing of Roche to fill the morning air, but the noise never came.

Roche wasn't there.

"She must have one hell of a hangover." Tigris muttered, swinging her legs over the side of her bed. She fumbled her way through her morning routine, feeling stiff and unpractised. Once she was half dressed, she poked her head out the doors to the guards standing on guard. "Have any of you seen my incompetent maid?"

The guards exchanged clueless looks. "I'm afraid not, my lady." one of them answered. Tigris groaned.

"I'm going to kill that girl." she muttered, returning to her mirror to roughly brush her hair. Roche had been doing it for so long that doing it herself felt unnatural. "Why Father even pays her is a mystery."

Tigris stormed to the library, shoving the doors open. Verita was stacking books near the front, her eyes heavily shadowed. The elderly librarian nearly toppled over in surprise when Tigris stormed in.

"My lady!" she gasped in surprise. Tigris crossed her arms.

"Where is she?" Tigris demanded coolly, "I've had to make do without her for well over a day now and I require her help."

Verita blinked, looking nervous. "She... can't."

Confusion stirred in Tigris' chest. "What do you mean, she can't?"

"Roche isn't here, my lady." Verita admitted quietly, wringing her wrinkled fingers.

"Then where is she?" Tigris asked. Verita hesitated.

"Ah she... might still be in the tavern, my lady." Verita replied meekly.

Tigris rolled her eyes. "So she's taken to filling her empty head with booze, is it?"

"I- well-"

"It's alright, Verita. I'll smack some sense into her when she returns." Tigris assured the frantic looking woman. She turned and left, shaking her head.

A hangover would be the least of Roche's worries when she returned.

A/N: Here's a short chapter today! One of the things about Merlin that always made me laugh was the tavern excuse, so I couldn't resist putting something similar in here. Dw tho, Tigris isn't going to be as oblivious as Arthur.

Eventually :D

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