Chapter 155 (Tigris)

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Tigris leaned her head against Kai's neck, laying next to him so closely that it felt like their bodies were melded. Warm heat was rushing through her in a fury, searing her heart with pleasure. A gasp of surprise billowed out from him, and she chuckled lowly, feeling him shiver as she lazily peppered his strong cheekbone with kisses. She felt him smile against her neck. She wasn't sure how long they'd lain there, but she knew she stay forever.

The door creaked open. Kai startled, but Tigris' laid down a lingering kiss.

"Come back later!" she called.

There was a pause. Then there was water being spritzed at her face.

Tigris could only sputter, swiping droplets off her face as she rolled off Kai. The poor man was so flustered that he nearly fell off the bed. Tigris leapt to her feet, ready to yell at whoever had interrupted them only to find Roche standing over them with a spray bottle and a flat expression.

"You said an hour," the maid said in greeting. She then glanced at Kai, and her face warmed with sympathy. She bent over, helping the man to his feet, "Hot damn, Kai. Looks like you had fun." Roche said, her voice bubbling with laughter.

Kai's cheeks darkened with a blush. Tigris felt a warm thrum of possessive pleasure when she realised his cheeks were stained with lipstick imprints. Roche grinned at him, spritzing a rag before handing it to her friend. Kai wordlessly began to rub at his dark cheeks. Tigris watched a clear drop of water travel down his jaw. Her lips tingled with the memory of pressing her lips against that strong bone-

Another spray of water sprinkled against her burning skin. She spluttered, meeting Roche's flat stare.

"No more of that! You have half an hour before you're expected in the throne room!" Roche snapped, tucking her short hair behind her ears with a roll of her eyes.

Tigris huffed, glancing down at her dress that was speckled with droplets. "Now what am I going to wear?"

Roche barely spared her a glance. "It's barely damp. Now, your love can wait for when your makeup is redone and your hair is in the updo that it was an hour ago! Honestly, next time can you please keep the pins in your hair! I know you love each other, but that hair took ages to do!"

Kai made an adorably squeaky sound while Tigris scoffed. "Oh, don't pretend to know anything about love, Roche!"

The moment the tease slipped out of her lips, Tigris regretted them. She was suddenly cognisant of exactly what day it was, and the exact cause behind Roche's sullenness that she'd been carefully avoiding.

Roche straightened, her face darkening. Her voice was perfectly level as she met Tigris' eyes.

"I suppose I know nothing," she said.

Tigris' cheeks burned. "Roche-"

"No, princess. You know how foolish I can be. Think nothing of it." Roche replied, her voice falsely sweet. She turned away, hiding her face from sight. "Now, let's go do your makeup so you can have fun celebrating today."

Tigris bit her lip hard enough to draw blood. Her face was stinging like she'd been slapped. Kai looked confused. He furrowed his brows at Roche's back.

"Is everything alright?" he asked gently.

Roche turned back around. If Tigris hadn't been watching closely, she wouldn't have noticed the strained look in the maid's eyes.

"Everything's peachy, Kai," Roche replied, her voice barely hinting at her former displeasure, "I just want to make sure that our resident brat has all the fun she wants tonight. Even if that fun entails pins, laundering, meals, and plenty of booze. Sounds like a blast."

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