Chapter 123 (Roche)

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"That's the last of it!" one of Lady Lisa's backup dancers said with relish. She rolled up to her full height with the fluidity of someone with complete control of their limbs. Roche envied her.

Roche lowered the hefty box she was holding, shifting it to one hand to wipe sweat off her brow. Immediately, the other dancer's eyes hardened.

"Careful with that!" she snapped. Roche backed away quickly as the woman approached her with narrowed eyes.

"Sorry," Roche mumbled earnestly, wringing her hands together nervously. The room was swimming with inkblood enchantments, making it impossible to locate the enchanted object she'd sensed on Lady Lisa earlier in the morning. She bit back a frustrated breath, smiling up at the dancers dumbly. "Is there anything else I can do for you, my ladies?"

"Turning down the bed would be nice," the first dancer said, tossing her partner a warning look. Roche nodded, keeping her head down. She didn't want to get on their bad side. If she wanted to come back here to investigate later, it would be easier if she was a friend rather than a nuisance.

Roche moved to straighten the sheets and fluff the pillows. As she neared the headboard, her hip jostled the nightstand. Immediately, Roche felt a ripple in the inkblood enchantment clouding the air.

"Careful!" the second dancer snapped again, jolting towards Roche. The first dancer chewed her lip, her eyes tense.

So, Roche thought to herself, They know about whatever enchanted object is in these drawers.

Roche straightened, apologies pouring from her lips. After a moment of relentless sorries, she finally suggested, "I can move the nightstand somewhere a bit more secluded, so Lady Lisa won't bump into it."

The words had barely left her lips when both dancers shook their heads firmly.

"Is there a problem?" a voice sounded from the doorway. Lady Lisa stood there, hands placed delicately on her hips.

"Nothing, my lady," the first dancer told Lisa smoothly, her eyes flickering to Roche, "The maid was simply turning down your bed."

Roche watched the head dancer's smile freeze slightly. Her eyes darted to the nightstand. Roche wouldn't have noticed if she hadn't been watching so intently.

"Ah," Lady Lisa said with a slightly forced smile, "Well, I believe you've done quite a lot of work, Roche. I am grateful."

"It was nothing," Roche replied, trying to keep her suspicion out of her voice. She blinked innocently, "Is there anything else I can do? Some wine before bed? Perhaps a snack?"

Don't send me away yet.

"No, no, I believe we're fine. Aren't we, ladies?" Lisa replied, glancing at her two backup dancers. They nodded quickly. Roche repressed a frustrated sigh. She needed to get to those drawers soon. But she couldn't pique their suspicion yet.

"Very well," Roche dipped into a curtsy, smiling blandly at the women, "Enjoy your night, my ladies. Please send for me if there is anything I can do."

A chorus of thanks echoed behind her as Roche exited the room, her mind racing as she tried to figure out another way to get to that nightstand drawer.


"Another enchanted object?" Verita asked, pinching the bridge of her nose when Roche nodded, "Did you see what it is?"

Roche shook her head. "I know it's in that nightstand, though. And it's a powerful one, like the datura flower Luctus brought. Its power was so overwhelming I could barely figure out where it was."

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