Chapter 64 (Roche)

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"It was him." Kai muttered, watching Sir Harold stalk off the field, a predatory sway in his swift footsteps. Roche pinched the bridge of her nose, feeling the makings of a stress headache forming.

"So let me get the story straight. You saw him walking past Finn's chambers and towards Tigris' last night when you left Finn's rooms?" she repeated. Kai nodded vigorously, his honey-like eyes wide.

"I told Finn but the king won't take the word of a servant for something as serious as this." Kai muttered sourly, his plump lips twisting. "I'm not even sure Tigris would listen."

"She would." Roche assured him, "You're her friend, she knows you wouldn't lie to her."

"Yeah but Sir Harold is her friend too." Kai muttered, sounding more contemplative than upset, "And besides I don't even believe it. Sir Harold has always been so kind and loyal to the princess. I don't understand why he might try to assassinate the princess. Perhaps my eyes were playing tricks on me."

"I assure you, they weren't." Finn's voice rumbled over them both. Roche stiffened before she could stop herself as she glanced at the prince. He looked tired, with dark, bruise-like shadows under his eyes. He tiredly swept his chocolate curls out of his eyes, his green eyes narrowed at the knight's back. "Sir Harold's been acting rather suspiciously during his fights. I just can't fathom why."

"Perhaps it's against his will." Roche suggested quietly, trying to seem casual as she added, "According to his accounts, he was kept under the Library of Eolna for a while with that inkblood. Maybe she enchanted him somehow."

Finn slid onto the bench beside Kai. He readjusted his gold rimmed glasses. "Is that even possible?"

"I don't know." Roche admitted, "I'll look into it."

Kai twisted his hands. "The king still won't believe it."

"Tigris might." Finn pointed out, glancing at his servant, "Roche is right. You're her friend, she'll listen to you."

Kai looked away bashfully. "I don't know. There's no proof."

"Then we'll find some." Roche promised. Kai and Finn's eyes widened at the same moment.

"That could be dangerous." Finn warned, his brows furrowing. Roche crossed her arms.

"The alternative is Tigris getting assassinated."

That seemed to silence the boys. Finn nodded curtly, heaving to his feet.

"Fine. We'll all keep an eye on him." he agreed, rubbing his chin.

"An eye on who?"

Roche nearly fell off the bench. Tigris stood over them, arms crossed. She looked at Kai and Finn sympathetically. "Has Roche been telling you one of her inane stories again?" the princess whispered theatrically.

Roche rolled her eyes as Kai stifled a grin. "Actually," she grumbled, "We were talking about Sir Harold. He's been acting off."

Immediately, Tigris' eyes hardened. "He's been having a hard time. Lay off him." she said instantly. Finn and Kai exchanged a nervous look. Roche coughed awkwardly.

Tigris' jaw clenched at their silence, and Roche immediately regretted saying anything.

"Sir Harold has been through something unimaginable," Tigris gritted, her eyes flashing, "It is only respectful to give him the time he needs to reacclimate. I understand that respect is a foreign concept to you, Roche, but you must try."

Roche glanced at Finn. His lips were pressed into a thin, bloodless line. He avoided her gaze, and Roche sighed.

"As you wish, princess."

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