Chapter 6

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"Why is he just sitting there?"

Shushu was the first to speak for everyone as they simply saw Nagisa sat down in a chair and stayed silent the whole time. While they took this as a sign that he didn't want to be bothered, the answer was actually the opposite. Nagisa wanted to break the ice and do a little small talk, he just sucked at coming up with a topic.


"Tomioka-san, can I ask you somethuing?"

"Ookawakamura? Sure thing, what is it?"

"Please, call me Nei. I was just curious, how did you and Yuuki-san meet?"

As Nei asked this question, Shushu and Himari's ears perked up. While Shushu was doing this to get close to Tomioka so she could get with Yuuki, Himari was just curious at how the only males affiliated with the corps just so happen to meet. As Nagisa saw how curious the group were, he simply let a sigh escape from his lips.

"Fine then, but it's a boring story. You see, I was just walking home from school one day. I was in a bit of a rush since my older sister's wedding was the day after."

"You have an older sister?"

"Well would be more accurate to say I had one."

The moment Nagisa said this, a memory began to play in the back of his head. The white dress slowly turning red, the ring falling off his sister's hand, and the Shuuki that surrounded them on that night. However, Nagisa shook his head as now wasn't the time to think of that.

"Anyways, when I was walking home I saw someone from my school looking at something very seriously. Can you guess what it was, Nei-san?"

"Was it his test scores?"

"Good guess, but no. It was a sale on house appliances and he was lost for directions. After I helped him out, we just hung out after that. Soon after, I spent time with Yuuki and Aoba for as long as i remembered."

Just as Nagisa finished his story, both himself and the rest of the 7th Unit heard the sound of a trumpet ringing. Suddenly, Nagisa saw Nei with her eyes closed as Himari seemed to be making a call. Seeing Nagisa's confused expression, Shushu decided to fill the boy in on the details.

"Nei-chan's ability, Promise, lets her detect and locate beings such as Shuuki inside of Mato. She's a clairvoyant of sorts. Himari is telling the chief the situation, so both her and Slave-kun should be coming over."

" Yuuki really into that sort of stuff?"

After half an hour passed, Nagisa saw two people suddenly barging into the 7th Unit's base. He will admit, the woman who arrived first was very beautiful. He could only assume that this was the 7th Unit's chief, Uzen Kyouka.

"So you are Tomioka Nagisa. It's nice to meet you for the first time. I am Uzen Kyouka, the chief of the Anti-Demon Corps 7th Unit."


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