Chapter 10

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"This tea is excellent. Thank you for treating me to this, Silver Fang."

"Could you kindly refrain from calling me that. My days as Silver Fang are over. Right now, I am merely just an old man training a boy to become a better version of himself."

After fixing some green tea for both himself and his guest, Bang could only stare at the young lady in front of him. Just what did Nagisa do to warrant the attention of Yamashiro Ren, the leader of the Anti-Demon Corps. Seeing the old man's confusion, Ren simply smiled.

"Do not worry, I assure you it's of nothing terrible. It's just, I found it fascinating how a young boy with zero powers was able to defeat shuuki with little assistance. I was wondering if you knew of a woman with a possible peach ability that could physically enhance someone or anything along those lines."

"Nagisa had an older sister once, however, her peach ability is one that could never be used while she was alive. Nor did it grant any enhancement to Nagisa. Everything Nagisa has done was through his own hard work and years of dedicated training. Besides, the Anti-Demon Corps should know full well how strong someone from the Tomioka clan is."

With a smirk on her face, Ren finished her tea as she stood up and began to walk away. Despite Bang not revealing anything special about Nagisa himself, she did learn something interesting regarding someone that was around him.

"Her peach ability is one that could never be used while she was alive. So going by that logic it's possible for it to be active now that she is deceased. The question is, what kind of ability is it that requires you to be dead to use it?"

The loud sound of the ground breaking apart could be heard as Tenka was watching her unit train for the upcoming match in a few days. First she saw Yachiho trying to improve her hand to hand combat skills against Sahara while the girl was using her powers set to five minutes. While the girls were fighting, Nagisa was watching closely as Tenka glanced at him.

"Are you not gonna practice your swordsmanship?"

"Knowing Yuuki, he's probably planning on a secret weapon. That's why I need to improve my own. I already know how to take my swordsmanship to the next level and already working on that front. For now, it's my body and my other weapon that I need to hone."

Tenka was actually surprised by Nagisa's reasoning. He knew his own strengths and weaknesses, yet he's already working on getting better. Despite his laid-back nature, Tenka believes that Nagisa must really hate to lose. As the two of them looked back at the fight, they saw Yachiho on the ground as Sahara held up a peace sign at them.


"......I'm okay. Just feeling like being one with the ground at the moment."

Seeing this, Nagisa went back into the base without so much as saying a word. After a few minutes of waiting, the unit saw the janitor return with bottles of water in his hands. Soon he passed one to Sahara and Yachiho as he placed the last two down for Tenka and himself. After seeing the cold water, both Sahara and Yachiho quickly began to drink it.

"Ah. Thanks, Nagi-chan! You're a life saver."

"Wakasa-san. How long did you have your ability set for against Yachiho?"

"Five minutes, why do you as-"

"I want you to use two minutes against me."

Sahara, Yachiho, and even Tenka herself was surprised by Nagisa's request. The nature of Sahara's ability, Crazy Sheep, was that she becomes stronger the smaller her time limit was. The bare minimum she could do was one minute and the maximum was an hour. Plus it takes her three minutes to recharge after each use.

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