Chapter 73

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~Inside the Barrier~
Just as Yumeji tried to use her telekinesis on Konomi, the girl vanished from her sight as she launched a series of kicks upon her body. Each blow was heavy as Yumeji only felt the damage increasing with each strike. Soon Yumeji tried to take a hold of Konomi again, but the girl dashed in a zig-zag pattern as she was avoiding the woman's grasp.

"Don't you get so cocky!!!!!"

As she launched her telekinesis in every direction possible, Yumeji smirked when she saw Konomi frozen in the air

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As she launched her telekinesis in every direction possible, Yumeji smirked when she saw Konomi frozen in the air. Try as she might, the first unit chief couldn't break free from her grasp. Just a Yumeji walked over to Konomi, she was shocked to see Yuuki's head stretch out of the armor and bite her shoulder.

"You focused your telekinesis on Konomi-chan, didn't you? But I can still move!"

"How dare you, you fucking man!!!"

Just as Konomi was about to attack, both her and Yumeji stopped in place as they heard a loud cracking noise

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Just as Konomi was about to attack, both her and Yumeji stopped in place as they heard a loud cracking noise. When they looked in the direction the noise came from, they saw the barrier that Yumeji made was cracking at an alarming rate. Before they knew it, they saw something crashing through the barrier as it landed between them. Konomi, Yuuki, and even Yumeji were shocked to see what crashed through the barrier as the individual was bloodied and bruised.



Right before their eyes, Kyouka Uzen was unconscious and severely injured. Soon everyone inside the barrier felt a shiver down their spine. Sweat began to fall from their faces as if there was a knife near all their throats. The sound of footsteps echoed through the area as the barrier was collapsing. Once they turned to the source, they couldn't hide the horror they felt.

"N-Nagi........did you do this?"

Standing right in front of them was Tomioka Nagisa as Riu was in his right hand. The old woman had blood escaping from the top of her head as he simply threw her body to the side and ripped off a nearby branch. Suddenly he began to rub the branch against a rock in order to sharpen it. Once it was completely sharp, Nagisa set his eyes upon Yumeji.

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