Chapter 9

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"Nagi, do you know these two?"

"Yeah, this is the Sixth Unit of the Anti-Demon Corps. They were the ones who rescued me when we were separated during the Mato Incident. This is Izumo Tenka, the chief. Twin tails here is Azuma Yachiho, the sub chief."

Yuuki's eyes slightly widen when he heard the name Azuma. However, before he could ask about this, he suddenly found himself pinned to the wall by Tenka as she had her right hand on his chest and was looking closely at his face.

"So you're the rumored, Slave-kun? Hmmmm."

"S-she's really close. Maybe Nagi might bail me out...."

"Huh, I got Summer Melusine and Barghest in the first multi. I got lucky."


Soon Tenka asked if Kyouka was still around. After a few minutes passed and the seventh unit members were all present and fully clothed, Yuuki fixed both Kyouka and Tenka some coffee. As the two chiefs drunk their coffee, Yuuki began to watch Nagisa doing more rolls on the gacha he was playing while both of their respective bosses spoke to each other.

"So what brings you here, Tenka?"

"You received the government notice too, right Kyou-chin? The tough humanoid shuuki appearing is what brought me here. All units have their own character, so we operated in our own ways, but now they told us to work closely together."

"Oh, is that so?"

As the two chiefs were talking, Nagisa took a quick glance at Yachiho. He noticed how the young woman was staring intensely at Himari. Before he could speak up to her about it, the member of the Azuma clan began to speak.

"From what I heard, the Seventh Unit's sub chief was attacked by the humanoid shuuki and passed out. How deplorable, all you do to the Azuma name is run it through the mud, Himari. Why don't you quietly just go back home?"

 Why don't you quietly just go back home?"

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Kyouka looked at the expression of her sub chief

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Kyouka looked at the expression of her sub chief. She could tell the belittling was getting to Himari. She knew that her sub chief wanted to lash out and prove Yachiho wrong. With a smirk on her face, Kyouka simply looked at Tenka and Yachiho.

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