Chapter 35

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Suddenly Kyouka lunged towards Nagisa. As Kyouka clenched her fist, Nagisa noticed her right leg moving forward. Suddenly Kyouka tried to kick the boy's right calf as she wanted to use her clenching fist as a distraction. However, she was surprised to see Nagisa was nowhere to be seen.



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" really good instincts, Kyouka."

Just as he said this, Nagisa slammed his right foot onto Kyouka as the young woman was smashed into the ground. Suddenly the chief of the seventh unit rolled away to avoid being stabbed by Nagisa's left hand-blade. After swiftly getting back on her feet, Kyouka tried to slam her right fist into Nagisa's stomach.

The chief was shocked to see that Nagisa caught her fist with his left hand as he had his right hand-blade extended towards her face. However, instead of thrusting his right hand forward, Nagisa suddenly changed it to a fist as Kyouka was punched to the ground. However, the moment he did this, Nagisa felt his chin being kicked by Kyouka's right foot.

Soon both Tenka and Yakumo stopped their spar as they saw the fight between Nagisa and Kyouka. Out of all the chiefs, Kyouka was arguably the strongest one in terms of physicality. Yet right now, she was struggling against a boy with no powers.

Just as Kyouka got on her feet, she felt herself being a little bit lighter. When she looked forward, she saw Nagisa holding her own belt like it was a whip. Suddenly the boy began to swing the belt at Kyouka. As the young woman dodged his strikes, Kyouka noticed how when the belt struck some nearby rocks that it left some deep marks.

However, the moment she dodged, she saw Nagisa already in front of her as he grabbed her face and slammed her into a nearby rock. Shortly afterwards the boy soon slammed her into the ground before kicking her in the stomach and sending her flying away.

"Thank you, Tomioka. It's been awhile since I got to train this hard with such a strong opponent!"

Just as Nagisa swung down the belt, he noticed how the end of it was wrapped around something before it was ripped out of his grasp. When he looked forward, he smiled when he saw Kyouka holding one of the shinai that was stabbed into the ground. Seeing this, Nagisa merely took a deep breath as it looked like he would walk forward.

As soon as the young woman blinked, Kyouka saw how Nagisa was already pulling out the other shinai from the ground. Now both Kyouka and Nagisa held a blade in their hand as they observed each other. Suddenly the two of them dashed towards each other as their weapons began to clash. The two of them aiming for vital areas only for the other counter. Seeing the two fight, Yakumo and Tenka were watching the spar with their interests piqued.

"That guy is pretty good, keeping up with Kyouka like that."

"You think he's keeping up? If anything it looks like Kyou-chin is the one trying to keep up."

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