Chapter 68

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~Flashback:Few days after the Yokohama Incident~
Sahara was seen lying on the ground as she was out of breath. Standing before her outside of the Sixth Unit base was Nagisa as he was now enjoying a lollipop after the sparring match that he had with her. Truth be told, a lot of the members asked for his advice after his performance in during the Azuma Banquet. It only happened more after the Yokohama Incident

"I don't know what made you come to the conclusion the ability to copy can be taught. However, anyone can imitate. Trying to copy someone without the talent for copying is mere imitation."

"Are you saying's pointless, Nagi-chan?"

"I merely said copying without the talent for it is mere imitation. However, even an imitation can surpass the original if honed correctly. Besides, this fighting style suits you alot more than me. I'll even try to help you take Crazy Sheep to the next level while doing so."

With a smile on his face, Nagisa helped Sahara stand back on her feet. Soon Sahara used Crazy Sheep as she used it's full power by reducing her time of using it to one minute. Soon Nagisa took a deep breath as he already decided on the perfect person to copy that will help Sahara grow.

"Now then, try to surpass my expectations, Sahara."

"Yes, Nagisa!"

~Flashback Ends~
Suddenly four members of the former Yamazaki group lunged at Sahara. The first one tried to land a jab at her face, only for the girl to have elbowed the man in the gut as he was sent crashing into a tree. Just as this happened, Sahara quickly turned around to put up both of her arms as another member tried to punch at her. The ground beneath her feet cracked the moment the punch made contact.

"Even the normal grunts can have this much power behind their punches?! Just who are these guys?"

Just as she thought this, Sahara quickly spun around as she landed a kick to another grunt's stomach as the man was holding his stomach and gasping for air. While she kept trying to fight off the grunts, Sahara realized something quickly. These men were on another level, so much so that she might even need to use Crazy Sheep.

"You're hanging on, young lady. However, I think it's time you stop playing these games."

Just as Sahara heard this, she suddenly felt herself get punched through a couple of trees. Struggling to get up, the girl saw Shigeaki just standing where she originally was with just his left fist in the air and a bored expression on his face.

"If I may offer some advice, at least use your peach ability. That way your chances of survival might go up."

"So you want me to use Crazy Sheep?"

Suddenly Shigeaki's eyes widen in shock as he barely blocked Sahara's knee, which was aimed at his intestine. However, the moment he blinked, Sahara was already out of his sight. As the girl was right behind Shigeaki, Sahara was holding back her left leg with her left arm.

"Brekdak Forbidden Skill Number 3........"


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