Ch. 35 First Test, Then Fight

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After bursting into the classroom, I quietly shut the door behind me. Everyone in the room immediately turned towards me after hearing my loud entrance.

I awkwardly turned to face the teacher that was overlooking our exam. To my surprise, Mrs. Fassler stood at the front of the class reading the instructions out loud. Maybe she'll go easy on my tardiness.

Mrs. Fassler paused and turned to me with a smile saying, "Welcome Crescent. You can sit in any empty seat with a test paper on it. I just started going over the instructions with the class."

Nodding my head gratefully, I stumbled slightly as I crossed the room and found an empty chair to sat down in. The students around me slowly turned their heads back facing forward once they deemed nothing exciting was going to happen.

I anxiously grabbed a pencil out of my pencil case and took a deep breath waiting to start. A dozen thoughts ran through my head of what the test will be like, hoping I studied the right content.

After finishing the instructions, Mrs. Fassler announced clapping her hands, "You may begin, and I hope you all do well! Remember this is the first part of the Werewolf games."

With that I flipped the paper over and wrote my name at the top of the page before looking at the first question.

1. Who was the last Royal Werewolf Queen?

Grateful for a first easy point, I quickly wrote the answer Queen Eloise down. Feeling more confident I went on to the next question.

2. Describe and list the different roles in werewolf hierarchies.

2 Hours Later

After revising the test paper 2 times, I decide that it is good enough and went up to hand the paper to the teacher. I look around and see that only a couple of students are left taking the test.

Wow, I must have been concentrating hard enough that I didn't notice that more than half of the students left already.

Mrs. Fassler smiled as I came near and took the test from me asking quietly, "How was the test?"

"Oh, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I surprisingly feel pretty confident about it."

"That's good to hear. See you tomorrow. Oh wait, tell your Mother I said hi!," Mrs. Fassler whispered happily as she walked me to the door.

Smiling politely, I replied, "Yes I will! Have a nice day Mrs. Fassler."

Feeling like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, I walked out of the classroom happier than before. Now where did my brothers say that they will meet me?

I walked down the three flights of stairs to the main lobby and went to go sit in the commons area to wait for them. The commons area in our school is pretty decked out with comfy chairs, tables, and couches in the far corner.

However, if you want one of those you have to be pretty early to sit on them. I found a spot in a reading chair that is shaped like an open egg to the left of the room.

I sat down and grabbed out a pen and my notebook so I can doodle while I wait. I unfortunately forgot my phone at home, so I'll just have to do with drawing to get out of any socializing.

As time went by, I start to think that my brothers forgot about me. Well, I guess it could happen. They don't usually bring me to school.

Just when I was about to give up and go find my brothers, a sudden commotion broke out in the hallway. I was about to dismiss it as some boys fighting before it got louder.

Thinking that something is going to go wrong, I put away my notebook and pen in my backpack. Just as I was zipping up my backpack, two big werewolves broke down the doubled doors.

Jumping away, I backed myself into the corner watching, waiting for a chance to escape from the wolves. There was a dark brown wolf and a grey wolf with brown spots covering its pelt.

The brown wolf shook off the grey wolf sending it flying into an empty table. Everyone that could, ran out of the doors but those like me stayed stuck in the middle of the fight not being able to cross the room to escape.

I stand backed up into the corner, anxiously watching as the wolves rip their jaws into each other's pelt but not enough to cause serious danger. I don't know what started the fight, but I can guess that it either involves a hierarchy dispute or someone just turned 18 and found their mate next to another male wolf.

Just then, the speakers in the common area turned on with a cackling noise as Headmaster Kendrick announced, "Everyone please stay in your rooms. A fight has broken out in the Common Area. Those near there please seek a safe spot. An Alpha is coming to stop the fight."

Heeding to the headmaster's words, I tried to walk around the wolves to find a safe spot to get to. This is no ordinary fight but more dangerous than I thought it would be.

But just as I started to get closer to the door, the brown wolf was flung right in front of me almost hitting me. Screaming, I slumped to the ground crawling backward away from the wolf.

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