realm of dreams

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In the realm of dreams,she screams,
she laughed and cried,a psycho it seems.
In that imaginative world she's free,
And every minute she shouted 'liberty'

A girl that is trapped in the real world,
she roam inside the fake world.
She seem to love every part,
but when she woke up it break her heart.

In the realm of dreams,they met,
their  heart is bound by love they meant.
as they share hugs and kisses,
they fell in love in every moment.

In that dream,where everything feels so real,
but when time is up,the emptiness she feel.
it's just a dream,where everything is a mere counterfeit,
and when she woke she's still on her feet. 

Mga Tula Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora