Just a little longer

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*some time passes and Jocelyn wakes up confused*

Jocelyn: Oh no, did I fall asleep? What time is it?! I promised I would be on time this time!

*she looks at the time and climbs down. Rushing home, she remembers that she still has some ice cream in the fridge, as a dessert for lucy and her tonight*

Jocelyn: Great, so I do actually have dessert to bring, all I have to do now is grab it and head straight to Lucy's house.

*she grabs the ice cream at home and rushes to Lucy's house. Jocelyn makes her way to the backyard gate and enters the backyard*

Jocelyn: Oh okay, I'm fifteen minutes late... that's not too bad?

*walking into the house, she's headed to the kitchen. She puts the ice cream in the freezer*

Jocelyn: Lucy, where are you at?! I'm hungry!

Lucy: Just get your ass to the damn table, it's been fifteen minutes! The food is getting cold.

Jocelyn: I'm on my way! I'm sorry, I'm sorry it took so long... I fell asleep in the tree again.

*Jocelyn sits down at the table and picks up her fork*

Jocelyn: Oh this looks so good... Thanks Lucy!

*they start eating dinner*

Lucy: So, are you excited for tomorrow? I'm so sad I can't join you... You have to take pictures to show me okay?

Jocelyn: Yeah of course, I will! I promise you!

*they finish dinner and Jocelyn walks up to the freezer to get the ice cream*

Jocelyn: Lucy, guess what I got!

*Jocelyn puts the ice cream behind her back and walks towards the table*

Lucy: Uhm... Did you get us cake? 

*Showing the ice cream she got, Jocelyn giggles*

Jocelyn: No, I got us ice cream of course! Your favorite! 

Lucy: Oh my god! I love ice cream! Give me that!

*Jocelyn puts the ice cream on the table and lays down two spoons*

Jocelyn: There we go... Ice cream for the both of us. Should we go to the backyard after this? 

Lucy: Yeah, that's a great idea... We can chill there, watching the stars! 

*they eat the ice cream and clean the table. Lucy grabs something before going outside and they sit down in the backyard. Lucy hands Jocelyn a blunt*

Jocelyn: Thank you! Look up... The stars are so pretty, aren't they? 

Lucy: Yeah, it's a great view!

*a clicking noise from the lighter fills the silence. They both take a drag from their blunts. Time passes and it's already half past nine in the evening* 

Jocelyn: The sky is so pretty... So sad I have to go now.

Lucy: Well, we could meet up tomorrow, maybe? I would love to see the pictures and of course listen to everything about the premiere!

 Jocelyn: That is a great idea! 

*Jocelyn stands up and gathers her stuff. They say bye to each other and Jocelyn heads home. Arriving home, she immediately walks to her bed and falls asleep after setting her alarms*

-time skip to morning-

*The alarm goes off at full volume. Annoyed, Jocelyn hits her phone to mute the alarm and sits up*

Jocelyn: Its time! I gotta get ready quickly! 

*after taking a shower, she changes into a dress and fixes her necklace around her neck*

Jocelyn: Okay, okay, looking pretty good! It's time to get on my way to the premiere!

*On her way to the premiere, she sings along to some music in her car. She arrives and walks inside, seeing a huge crowd*

Jocelyn: Oh wow! This is so awesome! 

*she looks around a bit more, spotting the cast taking pictures on the left side of the building. Quickly making her way to the spot where the cast is taking pictures, she's getting more nervous with each step* 

Jocelyn: This is so awesome! I can't believe im here right now... 

*Josh looks at the crowd, suddenly spotting a familiar necklace. He stares for a bit before snapping back to the pictures* 

Josh: Okay, now the press got its pictures, should we go on pictures with fans? We have time to spare anyway.

Other people from the cast: Yeah, I think that's a fun idea!

*Jocelyn notices Josh staring for a second and she is getting quite confused. She stands in line to get a picture taken, the line goes quite quickly. Getting more nervous with each minute, it's finally time to take a picture. Josh looks at her and the necklace with a slightly shocked face but he tries to cover it up with a smile* 

Josh: Well, hello there! What is your name? 

Jocelyn: My name is Jocelyn! I am so happy to finally meet you! 

*Jocelyn is shaking a bit standing there with the cast. They take a picture and she walks away after saying bye. Josh looks at her walking away. The last people get their picture and the movie is about to start. Everyone walks to their seat and Jocelyn is sitting in the second row, middle seat. The cast walks in and sits on the first row. Josh is sitting down, noticing Jocelyn is sitting behind him. He keeps trying to understand where he saw that necklace before*

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