Bowling night

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*they make their way to the bowling center*

Josh: Are you excited to go bowling? 

Jocelyn: Yeah, definitely! It's been a while since I last went bowling.

Josh: Yeah, me too.

*they get inside and walk over to the receptionist. They enter their names and walk up to the bowling lane*

Josh: Appears like I have to go first! Ready to lose?

*Jocelyn starts laughing*

Jocelyn: We will see about that!

*Josh throws the first ball and stands there watching in excitement*

Josh: No! Just one pin left.

*he grabs another ball and throws a spare*

Jocelyn: Not bad... Let me show you how it's done.

*it's now Jocelyn's turn and she grabs a ball. She throws the ball with a nice speed and watches as the ball hits all pins*

Jocelyn: See! I told you. That's how it is done.

Josh: What?! That was smooth, not even going to lie...

*they finish the round with Jocelyn winning*

Jocelyn: Woah, I won! 

Josh: Alright, I have to say... Those points you got, that's really impressive.

Jocelyn: You did great too! Now let's start another round, throw the ball!

Josh: Alright, let's do this. I am gonna make a comeback, just watch!

Jocelyn: Okay, impress me.

*Josh throws the ball and hits a strike. He throws his hands in the air in excitement*

Josh: Boom! That is how you do it! 

*they laugh and Jocelyn grabs a ball, she throws and hits six pins*

Josh: Well, that was a sad throw...

Jocelyn: Shut up, I won the last round and I will do it again!

Josh: We will see about that.

*Jocelyn throws the second ball and it lands in the gutter*

Josh: Wow, that is very impressive...

Jocelyn: I couldn't do anything about that, come on!

Josh: You could throw better?

Jocelyn: Haha, funny.

*they laugh a little and continue the round. After a bit, Jocelyn throws another strike and hops up to Josh giving him a hug*

Josh: Woah, Nice job!

*Jocelyn lets him go kind of embarrassed and steps back*

Jocelyn: It is your turn again.

*Josh giggles at Jocelyn and they keep playing*

-time skip to eleven in the evening-

Jocelyn: We have been bowling for quite a long time... We should round up and see who has won!

Josh: I can say that I have definitely won!

Jocelyn: I am not so sure about that.

*they get to the receptionist and ask for their total scores*

The receptionist: Seems like you have a tie! I have never seen that yet, I have worked here full time for about three years!

*Josh and Jocelyn turn to each other surprised*

Jocelyn: We tied?! How did we do that?!

Josh: I think we are just on the same page with everything!

*Josh pats Jocelyn on her head while smirking*

Jocelyn: No, not my hair! 

*she pokes Josh his side, making him flinch while giggling*

Josh: You got me there! Stop it!

*he steps behind Jocelyn and wraps his arms around her, locking her arms in place*

Josh: Haha, this way you can't do anything.

Jocelyn: That's unfair! Come on!

*she sinks through her knee, leaning forward. Josh is standing on his toes now because Jocelyn is basically carrying him on her back by doing that*

Jocelyn: You know that if I bend forward now,  you get thrown on the ground right?

Josh: You wouldn't do that to me, and you know it.

*Jocelyn giggles and Josh lets go of her*

Jocelyn: What would you do if I did throw you on the ground?

Josh: I don't have to think about that because you won't. And how did you do that while standing on only one leg?! That is some strength you got there.

Jocelyn: Well, maybe that's because I spend five weeks standing on one leg...

Josh: Well okay, that's fair... But still, that is impressive!

Jocelyn: Thanks! Can we go home now though? It's late... 

Josh: Awe, are you tired? Are you gonna be a little baby about it?

Jocelyn: Hey! I'm just asking if we can go home. I'm not asking for cuddles, a lot of attention, or a crib.

Josh: Okay, we can go home, my cute little baby!

*Josh pinches her cheek. While rolling her eyes,Jocelyn lets out a sigh*

Jocelyn: Let's just go!

Josh: Okay, we can go.

*they make their way to the car and sit down. Jocelyn yawns and rests her eyes while Josh is driving to their house. After about five minutes, Jocelyn is already sleeping in the car. Josh notices this but doesn't do anything. When they get home, Josh still doesn't wake up Jocelyn. Instead, he walks over to the front door and opens it. He walks back over to Jocelyn and carefully picks her up. He carries her inside and starts walking upstairs. He looks at her sleeping in his arms. He smiles a bit and carries her to her bed. Really carefully, he places her on the bed and covers her with the blankets. He walks towards the door and turns off the light. Before closing the door, he looks over at Jocelyn once again and notices that she is smiling*

Josh (whispering): Wait... Are you awake?

*Jocelyn starts giggling as he whispers that*

Jocelyn: Maybe... Nah, I think I'm sleeping right now...

Josh: You sneaky little- 

Jocelyn: Sneaky little what, huh?

Josh: Sneaky little baby is what you are!

Jocelyn: Oh, I'm sorry for noticing the turn we made, just before we got home. And I am sorry that you thought I was asleep. It's not being sneaky, I think it's just being clever... I didn't want to hop upstairs again.

*they both start to laugh again*

Josh: Okay, I forgive you.

*Josh giggles a bit more while Jocelyn yawns*

Josh: You should get some sleep... Goodnight Jocelyn! 

Jocelyn: Alright, goodnight. See you tomorrow! 

*Josh closes the door and goes to sleep himself, in his own room*

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