The start of a new chapter

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Josh: Took you long enough to figure out.

Jocelyn: Was it really not noticeable?

Lucy: I thought you guys were just really close, I did not expect this at all!

*Josh thinks for a second and whispers something to Jocelyn*

Josh (whispering): Should we tell her about your moving plans?

*Jocelyn nods and looks at Lucy*

Jocelyn: I think you are going to miss my backyard...

Lucy: What? Why?! Are you going to stop smoking?

Josh: I think I should introduce you to my backyard... Where a lot of good memories will be smitten!

Lucy: Wait... What is happening?

Jocelyn: Think harder! Me and Josh are in a relationship. We already spent a lot of time in this home. You have to say goodbye to the backyard over at the other house and you are going to be introduced to this backyard.

Lucy: You are not saying my backyard... You are saying at the backyard over at the other house. Are you- Are you moving in here?

Jocelyn: Welcome to your new second home! The other house won't be your second home for much longer.

Lucy: You are kidding! That is awesome! Well Josh, be prepared to get me as a plus one. I will be around quite a lot! 

Jocelyn: See, Josh, I told you!

Josh: I think we can get everything done in a week. We just need to sign Jocelyn out from her house and then sign her into this home. And of course, sell some of her stuff and move the rest to our house.

Lucy: I would love to help you guys, if you need anything. Just call me and I will be right there.

Jocelyn: I know you might be thinking we are going too fast, but hear me out okay?

Lucy: Too fast? I was surprised you could handle a half year without him. It's no surprise that you are moving in. You already spent six weeks at his house anyway. And you are dating now.

Jocelyn: That's exactly what we thought! But it's nice to hear it from someone else... Just gives that confirmation you know?

Josh: Hey, Lucy?

Lucy: Hm? 

Josh: What do you think about the fact that your friend is dating the guy you both were fangirling over? And you can hang out at my house?

Lucy: It's quite unbelievable... I think that me and Jocelyn both would not have seen this coming at all! 

Jocelyn: My butterfly necklace created the butterfly effect. A double butterfly effect! Just because I chose to wear the necklace, Josh noticed me. If I didn't go at all, this all would never have happened and I would not have starred in that movie! It's coming out in about two and a half months!

Lucy: We are all going to the movie premiere, together!

Jocelyn: That's a deal!

Josh: Okay, let's do that.

*right before dinner, Lucy left for dinner plans with a couple of her friends. Josh and Jocelyn prepare a meal together in the kitchen, discussing what they could keep and maybe switch from Jocelyn her house. After  preparing the meal, they sit down and eat together, discussing things before doing all the signing*

Josh: I think we got it all figured out, should we go for it? 

Jocelyn: Let's do the signing. We don't have any plans for this week, right? Then we can spend this week selling stuff and packing things. I'll stay in my house till the end of the week, so I can figure out what I am keeping and what I'm selling. Also in the meantime, I can already pack things I want to keep but don't have to use in that week. At the end of the week, we will drive in our and Lucy's car to bring everything here. That way, we don't have to rent a bus to bring everything to your home. We can just drive with three cars about two to three times, maybe less. It's not like it's that far anyway. And if I already have some packed boxes in the meantime, we can always take them to your house if we are visiting each other in the next week.

Josh: Sounds like a plan, we got this! Lucy has our back, so we will make it on time. 

*they sign everything and look through all the paperwork. A week is given to get everything out of the house, starting tomorrow. Both start giggling while sitting together on the couch*

Josh: I guess it's settled now!

Jocelyn: That's not a problem is it? I think it's great!

Josh: I couldn't be happier about it.

*Josh holds Jocelyn by her cheek and gives her a kiss*

Josh: Is it too early to say I love you?

Jocelyn: I don't think so... So, I have to tell you something. I love you.

*Jocelyn starts giggling and blushing as Josh stares into her eyes, their faces still close to each other. Josh moves closer and whispers against her lips*

Josh (whispering): I love you.

*both their faces turn red and they start making out. After the intimate and loving moment they shared, they head upstairs*

Josh: Are you ready for tomorrow? I'll bring you home again and help with figuring out what to sell first. We can also throw things away at the dump if it isn't sold fast enough, the night before we leave of course. 

Jocelyn: I can't wait... I am so glad I'm here with you.

*Josh lays down on the bed and Jocelyn lays down next to him. She immediately snuggles close to him and he wraps his arms around her*

Josh: In a week, we can do this every day... I can't wait to get used to this feeling when I'm with you. I want you to stay with me forever.

Jocelyn: I can promise you, I will. You are an even better guy than I could ever have imagined and I am glad I'm with you. Do we keep our relationship a secret from the media though? 

Josh: I would show you off to the whole world. I don't care what others think. I am yours and no one can get between us. Let them be jealous of you, I know that I couldn't care less about them. I love you. 

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