Glad you're back

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*Josh looks over at Jocelyn and smiles*

Josh: You look prettier when you smile you know? Why staring out of the window like that? 

Jocelyn: Oh, I was just distracted by the trees...

*Jocelyn laughs a little and Josh admires her sweet smile while glancing over*

Josh: Trees? Are you drunk? You don't seem drunk... What did you take?

Jocelyn: No, I swear I was just looking at how fast they pass by. I'm not in an I love trees mode or something.

Josh: Hm, okay I believe you...

*after a bit longer of driving, they arrive at Jocelyn her house*

Jocelyn: I see you remember the way to my house.

Josh: How could I forget you?

Jocelyn: Yeah, I don't know. I really put my mark on your life, didn't I?

*Jocelyn laughs while saying that in a joking tone*

Josh: Well, maybe you did. Would that be a bad thing though?

Jocelyn: Depends... Anyway, you should head to your appointment! I will see you tomorrow okay?

*Josh hesitates for a moment but then speaks up*

Josh: Yeah, alright! But hold up, can you come closer real quick?

*Jocelyn seems confused but moves closer to Josh*

Josh: Wait, you know what? Just step out of the car, come on.

*they step out of the car and stand in front of each other. Josh is looking into Jocelyn her eyes before giving her a tight hug and whispering in her ear*

Josh: I'm so glad you are back...

*Jocelyn starts laughing a little*

Jocelyn: I'm happy to say the feeling is mutual... Now go to your appointment! You are going to be late, idiot!

Josh: Fine, fine. I'll go okay? 

Jocelyn: Good. See you tomorrow!

Josh: I'll see you tomorrow!

*Josh steps in the car and drives away. Jocelyn decides to go to a store to buy the blunts. When she gets home, she looks in her cabinets to search for what to make for dinner. She decides to make some simple pasta and starts preparing everything. After making dinner and eating, she games for a little bit and goes to sleep after. The next morning, she showers and styles her hair hair as best as possible. She puts on a stylish but casual outfit and waits for Josh to text her. After a little bit of waiting, she finally gets a text*

Josh (texting): Hey Jocelyn, What time did you want to meet up? I'm free whenever. I could also pick you up? I'm ready and well if you want to chill right now.

*Jocelyn reads the message on her lock screen, but doesn't open it yet. She grabs her stuff and gets into her car. She starts driving to his home without any reply to him. When she arrives, she stands in front of his door and remembers she had his spare key in her keychain and forgot to give it back. She sneaks in with the key and carefully closes the door behind her. She listens carefully to where he could be and hears some noise coming from upstairs. She quietly sneaks upstairs and hears Josh groaning*

Josh: Ugh, when is she going to reply? It's been fifteen minutes! I really wanna see her again...

*his door is open, and he is lying on his bed. His queen bed is in the middle of the wall, opposite the door. The pillows are lying on the wall side, on the bed, but Josh is lying with his feet on the pillows, facing the wall.*

Jocelyn (thinks): Why is he lying in bed backward? Eh, whatever let's scare him.

*Jocelyn sneaks towards the bed and freezes when she hears Josh talk again*

Josh: She would be awake by now... She could maybe be showering? I remember that she would take her time with showers, if we had the time to.

*she tries very hard not to giggle and luckily remains silent. Josh is looking out the window to his left, so Jocelyn drops on her belly and starts crawling to the right side of the bed. When she is beside the bed, Josh still hasn't noticed anything. That really surprises Jocelyn. She finally decides to get into a squat position to jump onto the bed and onto Josh. While squatting beside Josh, she hesitates but suddenly jumps up and dives onto Josh on the bed.*

Jocelyn: JOSHIE!

 *Josh lets out the loudest terrified scream he ever screamed and throws Jocelyn off of him as a reflex. She lands on the floor laughing*

Josh: Holy fucking shit, Jocelyn! How the fuck did you get in?!

*Jocelyn is still laughing when she stands up and falls on the bed again wrapping her arms around Josh*

Jocelyn: I remembered I still had a key from your house and I wanted to surprise you...

Josh: For fuck sake, Jocelyn... I almost had a fucking heart attack! Could you not do that again, please?

*Josh sighs and starts calming down*

Jocelyn: Okay, I'm sorry Joshie...

Josh: Oh my god, I was terrified.

Jocelyn: Yeah, I could hear that. Thank you for making me deaf now...

Josh: That's pretty much karma, but alright.

Jocelyn: I know, it was kind of deserved, wasn't it? 

*they laugh a little and get off of the bed*

Josh: So, did you want to play some games?

Jocelyn: We never completed the It Takes Two game right?

Josh: No, we didn't! We should! Let's play it.

*they head downstairs and sit on the couch together*

Jocelyn: You know... I missed fucking around with you. 

Josh: And I really missed you fucking around and keeping me company. It's so quiet without you.

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