Game night part 2

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*the game has finally started and they are watching the starting scenes, after watching they are finally able to play the game*

Josh: Well that's a start of a story...

Jocelyn: That was like, boom you are a couple in a divorce, with a child, and boom she is the reason a book is trying to fix your relationship.

*Josh starts to laugh*

Josh: That's exactly how to describe it! Let's see where this is gonna go.

*they play the game for like two to three hours and Jocelyn starts to feel really tired and yawn*

Josh: Are you getting tired?

Jocelyn: Yeah, just a little...

Josh: This game is so much fun, but I'm done playing it right now.

Jocelyn: Yeah, I feel you.

Josh: Oh, by the way... Tomorrow I'm needed on set again. Do you wanna come with? We gotta be there from half past twelve till five thirty.

Jocelyn: Uhm, yeah sure! That sounds cool!

*Josh lets out a groan and sighs*

Josh: I really don't look forward to tomorrow... Even though on the set it will be fun, when we get home, I really need to clean up the attic... It's such a mess there.

Jocelyn: Well, I could help? You could sort stuff out and I can help sort them in different boxes? Like, I could help organize?

Josh: I mean, if you want to... I could use the help.

*Josh his face lights up a little seeing Jocelyn nod meaning that she wants to help*

Josh: Anyways... I have been wondering, what do you have with trees?

Jocelyn: Trees? What do you mean?

Josh: Well, were you at the park the day before the premiere?

Jocelyn: Yeah, how do you know?

Josh: It seemed like someone was sleeping in a tree there... With the same necklace as you...

Jocelyn: So... I did hear it right! It was you!

Josh: What do you mean?

Jocelyn: When I climbed into the tree I heard your voice, but when I was up there I couldn't find you. But if you saw me sleeping there, that means I did hear it right!

Josh: Yeah, I was there. But anyways... Let's get back to the question. What do you have with trees? Sleeping in a tree... The tree thing when you were drunk... What is it with you and trees?

Jocelyn: Well uhm... I actually do not know. I loved to climb as a child and I grew up next to a forest! My parents could never keep me in a crib because I was like a baby Houdini. I always used to escape. I always tried to hide in random things like a closet or something. I was always climbing. Living next to a forest was great! We had dogs and we always went into the forest to let the dogs out, but the dogs weren't the only ones that were let out.

*Jocelyn starts to laugh*

Jocelyn: I can say that every climbable tree was climbed in... And that tree at the park, it was my favorite tree to hang out in when I needed some time to chill. I can say I grew up with trees...

Josh: So you are a nature person? That's sweet!

Jocelyn: Yeah, I have loved animals and the forest so much! It was family... And my favorite animal was a butterfly! That's why this necklace is also very special to me.

Josh: That explains a lot. That's a sweet story!

*Jocelyn yawns and nods*

Jocelyn: Thanks!

Josh: It's pretty late. We should go to sleep, don't you think?

Jocelyn: Yeah... What time should I wake up tomorrow?

Josh: I mean... Probably like eleven? I wake up at ten and then go shower etcetera... Probably around eleven, I will have breakfast ready for us.

Jocelyn: Yeah sure, that's alright!

Josh: Should we head upstairs then?

*Jocelyn nods and stands up. She hops towards the stairs and Josh follows her. He helps Jocelyn get up the stairs*

Josh: Are you good to go? Or do you need help with anything?

Jocelyn: No, I'm all good! Thank you and goodnight!

Josh: Alright goodnight! Tell me when anything is needed!

*Josh walks into his room and Jocelyn hops to the bathroom. She wipes her face clean, including the makeup she put on yesterday, with a makeup remover wipe she took with her*

Jocelyn: Completely forgot about the makeup... Well now that's off, I can finally go to sleep now then. At least try to sleep. The events that took place these last days are so much to take in, it's absurd! How did I go from being happy to go to a movie premiere, to sleeping in Josh his house with a broken ankle and wrist?

*Jocelyn sighs and hops to her room. She lays down in bed and scrolls on her phone for a bit*

Jocelyn: It's so late. But I can't seem to sleep at all.

*she puts away her phone and turns around. After some time, she is still awake and she can hear Josh snoring for like ten minutes straight. After those ten minutes, it gets quiet again*

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