Josh's POV

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*Josh walks away and hears the door close behind him. When the door shuts, he bursts out in tears. He's been crying the whole way to the supermarket. Luckily, he has some sunglasses with him so he can hide his red eyes. He buys some night snacks and something for dinner. He heads home after. When he gets home, he prepares his dinner but accidentally makes two portions*

Josh: oh shit... Yeah, she's not eating with me anymore. This is going to be a long time before I'm used to it.

*he wraps the second plate in saran wrap, for breakfast tomorrow. After grabbing the other plate, he also grabs a fork. Sitting down on the couch, he starts eating dinner, but It's awfully quiet now. Normally he would have enjoyed the quiet for dinner, but since Jocelyn has been around, that changed. He starts getting slight tears in his eyes again and just decides to put on some music while finishing dinner. He grabs his phone and connects to the speaker, playing the song: "In your arms-Chef'Special". He sings along with the song while finishing dinner in the meantime*

Josh: I know you're gone, I know you're gone. But I don't feel what I know. I know you're gone, I know you're gone. But my mind ain't in control.

*he takes a couple of bites and starts singing again when he knows the lyrics again*

Josh: From the day that I met you, I stopped feeling afraid. In your arms I feel safe, in your arms, I feel safe. From the day that I met you, I stopped feeling afraid. In your arms, I feel safe, in your arms... I miss you so, I miss you so. And I'll miss you 'til I'm old. I miss you so, I miss you so. But my fears will fade, I know.

*when he is done singing along and eating, he puts the dirty dish in the sink and walks upstairs. He lays down on his bed again*

Josh: It's so quiet now... Normally I would've loved the silence. She really changed me... I got used to her presence. Her singing and her joking around. Even the play fights and the annoying but funny nicknames. Fuck, I miss her already...

six months pass. Josh is reunited with his friends again, drinking a little once a week with them. Talking about things that have happened in the time that they weren't together. Sharing fun stories and laughing with his friends really cheered him up. He got casted again for a movie, but he has to wait until the script is perfected. He is not used to the quiet anymore, so he plays music a lot. He told his assistant that if she wanted to, she could leave the job with a last payment containing a bonus. He realized he didn't need her to work with him, he just needed the company. For about a week after Jocelyn and he separated, he made double portions of dinner. Still, even with his friends their company, he feels like something is missing. Something is not right and it's making him feel down. Even his friends ask him if something is up lately. It's been getting better but still, something is off. Also, he is already helping prepare the set for the movie he is going to be in. They just have to perfect the script, but the image of where and how it should look, is already made. Then one day, he decides to buy a new suit. He is going to buy it in the shopping center that is closest to his house. He is wearing the matching outfit he got with Jocelyn there, along with the necklace. Ever since he discovered that he had the necklace, he wore it with a couple specific of outfits.

*Josh picks out a suit and walks up to the fitting room*

Josh: Oh great, exactly one fitting room is free! Guess I'm lucky today.

*after he puts on the suit, he looks in the mirror*

Josh: Oh, that's perfect! Looking great in this suit.

*he quickly changes to his own outfit and gathers the suit, folding it neatly. He checks his phone and looks at his messages real quick. When he is ready to go, he grabs the suit and opens the curtain. While he does this, his wristband moves up his arm a little*

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