The start of us

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*Josh wakes up in the morning, still holding Jocelyn tightly. He tries to let go of Jocelyn as carefully as possible. Jocelyn groans slightly but stays asleep. When Josh finally got out of bed carefully, he walked downstairs. He sends a text in a group chat with Jake, Nick, and Lucy*

Josh (texting): She's still asleep. I'll make breakfast and get us ready right now. She does not have any idea that I'm going to take her to the park, when we are there, I'll send you guys a text. Make sure to let it loose, and don't show yourselves before she notices it.

*he starts making breakfast and puts it on a tray before walking upstairs*

Josh: Wakey, wakey, my butterfly! Get those wings ready to spread. We are going to the park today.

Jocelyn: Do we really have to? 

*Jocelyn sighs and looks at Josh. When she sees him holding a tray with food, she smiles again*

Jocelyn: You made breakfast? What did you make this morning?

Josh: I made poke bowls! Rice with some avocado, surimi, cucumber, corn, and some sesame seeds!

Jocelyn: That sounds so delicious! Thank you so much. 

*Josh sits down next to Jocelyn who is now sitting up. Josh hands Jocelyn the poke bowl, so they can start eating*

Josh: But we are going to the park. We might stay there the whole day. Just chill in the tree or something. 

Jocelyn: Sounds fun! We can watch children play and fall. And people with dogs!

Josh: Yeah! We can watch the sunset from inside the tree. If we get ready after eating, it will be about two o'clock.  We will be there at around two thirty, I think. And the sun sets quite early! If I'm right, it's at five thirty today.

Jocelyn: Oh, that sounds so nice! Make sure to bring some drinks and food.

*they eat their food and start getting ready. After they freshened up, they started gathering some snacks and drinks for their stay at the park*

Josh: Do we have everything?

Jocelyn: I think we got everything. It's a quarter past two right now. Should we go? 

Josh: Yeah, let's go! I do want to go in the car though... I don't feel like walking that far.

Jocelyn: That's alright! 

*they grab their stuff and head to the car. While Josh starts driving to the park, Jocelyn connects to the car bluetooth again. She takes a bit to choose a song, but when she finally finds one, the song: "Electric Love- BØRNS" starts playing*

Josh: This song is so beautiful... 

Jocelyn: It's such a good song! How do people come up with these?

Josh: I have absolutely no idea...

*they arrive at the park. They walk towards the tree and Jocelyn shows Josh how to climb into the tree. When she's up, Josh starts climbing. It was slightly difficult, but he made it up in the tree. He settles beside Jocelyn and they watch over the park together. Josh takes out his phone to send a text really quickly before watching the park with Jocelyn again*

-an hour later, it's now five o'clock- 

Jocelyn: Oh my god, look at that dog! I love huskies! They are so adorable... I wonder from who the dog is... I don't see anyone walking yet.

*Josh chuckles and yells to the dog*

Josh: Hey Derek! Come here, buddy! 

*the dog responds to the calls but doesn't know where it's coming from*

Jocelyn: Look, it's responding! Would it actually be named Derek? 

Josh: Should we get down so we can look at it?

*Jocelyn nods and starts heading down. Josh follows behind and they start calling the dog over. The dog immediately runs over to them. Jocelyn grabs the collar and sees there is a little tag on it. She starts reading what's on the tag, out loud*

Jocelyn: Hi, I'm Derek! If I'm lost, call the number on the back of this tag. They will bring me back to my owners, Josh and Jocelyn. 

*while looking up surprised, Josh chuckles*

Jocelyn: Wait... Is this real?!

*Jake, Nick and Lucy walk towards them now, Jocelyn checks the number on the back of the tag*

Jocelyn: Wait, this is Lucy her number? What is happening?!

Josh: What do you think? That's Derek! And it's Lucy's number because of privacy for our numbers. Because I'm pretty famous and so will you probably be...

Lucy: You love huskies, right?!

*Jocelyn starts to tear up*

Jocelyn: Are you saying this is our dog? We have a dog?!

Josh: Don't cry, now! Come here, love... 

*Josh holds Jocelyn in a hug as Nick, Jake, and Lucy start chuckling*

Nick: We already put the dog basket and everything in your car. 

Jake: Anyway, I have to go again. Lucy and Nick will come with me, so they don't have to walk home. We'll leave you to it!

*Jocelyn hugs Josh tightly as she starts crying happily. Jake puts the leash on the ground beside Josh and Jocelyn, before they leave*

Josh: Are you really crying? 

*he pulls back from the hug and wipes the tears from Jocelyn her eyes with his thumb*

Jocelyn: I just always wanted a dog, but never had one... It's even my favorite breed!

*Jocelyn smiles and starts hugging and petting the dog*

Josh: Isn't it cute! And what do you think of the name? Derek!

Jocelyn: It's perfect! Thank you so, so much! 

*Josh drops to his knees beside Jocelyn and Derek, also starting to pet it*

Josh: This is why I needed Lucy, I didn't know what kind of dog you wanted. In the week we were selling stuff etcetera, I asked Lucy for her number for a surprise for you. We went to look for the right dog together. 

Jocelyn: I am absolutely speechless... It's so cute! And so tame already!

*they sit down on the ground next to each other with the dog in front of them*

Jocelyn: Look at the sky! The sun is setting, finally.

Josh: Could this moment get even more beautiful? 

Jocelyn: Hold up, give me one second.

*Jocelyn grabs her phone and the song: "Yellow- Coldplay" starts playing*

Jocelyn: Now, it's perfect...

Josh: Oh, that was the missing piece in this moment...

*Josh pulls Jocelyn closer after wrapping his arm around her. They are still watching the sunset as Jocelyn lays her head on his shoulder, petting the dog. Josh lays his head on Jocelyn's head while also petting the dog. Three living beings, sitting close to each other and watching the sunset. Two of them with butterflies in their stomach and one of them just sitting there, being petted. It doesn't understand anything, but it knows that it is part of the family now. A new family... A never ending love* 

-the end- 

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