Dinner time

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Jocelyn: Yeah, that would be a good idea... Do we unpack the boxes with food first? Or do we first eat and then unbox all my food?

Josh: I mean... We could first eat, then unpack and after that, we could eat dessert?

Jocelyn: Yeah sure! I had some nice desserts at home so if you took everything, then I'm sure we got a nice choice of desserts!

*Josh nods and walks to the stairs. He waits for Jocelyn to also get there and he helps her get down the stairs*

Josh: We can eat on the couch if you want to?

Jocelyn: Sure, we could do that!

*Jocelyn hops into the living room and Josh makes his way to the kitchen. Jocelyn is now sitting down on the couch and Josh yells to her*

Josh: Hey, do you wanna eat pasta?

*Jocelyn yells back*

Jocelyn: Sure! Make sure we have vegetables in there! I've been really craving that for a whole week!

*Josh starts preparing some pasta as Jocelyn sits on the couch looking at her phone*

-time skip to when the food is ready-

*Jocelyn is sitting on the couch a little uneasy, not knowing what to do, she just looks around. Josh comes walking in with two plates and four pieces of silverware*

Jocelyn: Huh? What are those spoons for?

Josh: You don't know that people use spoons and forks for eating spaghetti?

Jocelyn: Never heard of it, and could never imagine how. Are you gonna scoop up the sauce with a spoon or something? Hmmm how great, a spoonful of sauce without any spaghetti...

Josh: No! How do you not know how to use a spoon with spaghetti?! You know what, I'm just gonna show you... And you are gonna think it's the best thing you have learned for eating pasta.

Jocelyn: Okay I'm in! If it's not the best thing I have learned, what do I get from you?

*She starts to tease a little because she knows that Josh is so confident in how amazing that trick is*

Josh: I don't even wanna think about that, because I know it will be the best thing you have learned!

Jocelyn: How do you know? How do you know that the best thing I have learned is not in the cooking of the pasta? You never know.

Josh: You know, let's just start eating, so I can show you. And after that, we can talk about that!

*he puts the plates down, giving her a spoon in her left hand and a fork in her right hand*

Josh: You can hold the spoon in your left hand right? The cast is not keeping you from keeping it stable?

Jocelyn: Yeah, I can hold it stable!

Josh: Okay, look at what I'm gonna do now.

*Josh picks up his own silverware and holds his spoon on the side of the plate. With his fork he picks up a little bit of spaghetti and starts spinning it on top of the spoon. The spaghetti forms a sort of bird nest around the fork*

Jocelyn: No way... And now you can just lift the fork without everything falling off?!

*Josh lifts up the fork and eats the spaghetti*

Josh: Hmhm! The best thing you have learned right?!

Jocelyn: Okay I have to give it to you, that is great. But is it the best thing I have learned though...

*Jocelyn thinks for a moment and they both start eating*

Jocelyn: No, I think the best thing I have learned is that if you put enough salt in the water, you won't need any more salt in the rest of the dish.

Josh: Wait you won't? I never heard of that...

Jocelyn: Seems like I will be getting something from you huh?

*Josh sighs*

Josh: Yeah I guess so? What do you want?

Jocelyn: I actually have no idea... But you owe me one!

Josh: Fine okay... How's the food?

Jocelyn: It's good! I like it!

Josh: Well, thank you! It's my favorite recipe.

*he grabs the remote and turns on the TV and he opens YouTube*

Josh: What do you wanna listen to? Just call out a song.

*Jocelyn thinks for a second and blurts out jokingly*

Jocelyn: The whistle song, Josh Hutcherson!

*she bursts out laughing*

Jocelyn: It's just a joke, I'm begging do not play it! That song is really haunting me and I have hated that song my whole life. Can you put on Eminem? Do you like Eminem?

Josh: Yeah, Eminem is good! We can do that.

*Josh turns on a playlist from Eminem and finishes his food*

Josh: Are you almost done eating?

Jocelyn: Yeah, I'm done.

*Josh stands up taking the plates and bringing them to the kitchen. He stands in the doorframe leaning on to it*

Josh: I'm going to get the boxes with the food. You can stay seated, I will just put everything away. We can eat some dessert and play some games after. You in?

Jocelyn: Yeah sure, I'm in for some games after dessert!

*he makes his way to the car and grabs the two boxes, walking them to the kitchen. Immediately after, he makes his way to the car again to close it and lock the door. While unpacking all the food, he comes across some donuts and macarons. He puts those on the side and finishes unpacking everything. Taking two plates, he opens the two packages and puts a donut and two macarons on the plates. He walks into the living room again with the two plates*

Josh: Dessert is ready.

*he gives Jocelyn a plate*

Jocelyn: Seems like you found the donuts and macarons! It's a great dessert right?

*Josh nods and finishes his dessert quite quickly*

Jocelyn: Seems like someone enjoyed their dessert! I don't blame you though, I also finished already.

Josh: But come on, who doesn't love donuts and macarons!

*Josh laughs and takes the plates to the kitchen. He gets back to the living room and sits down vibing to the music*

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