Hanging out part 2

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*Winston moves and Josh sits next to Jocelyn while whispering in her ear*

Josh (whispering): Don't worry about them, I got you.

*the group starts drinking and talking about what they did that week. After about one and a half hours, they are getting pretty drunk*

Steve: Hey guys! Let's do some truth or dare!

Josh: Jocelyn, are you in?

Jocelyn: Guys get your asses to sit down, we're playing truth or dare!

*everyone gathers around the table and Steve points at Carl*

Steve: You start asking someone!

Carl: Uhm, alright let's see... Winston, truth or dare?

Winston: Dare!

Carl: Chug the bottle you are holding!

*Winston immediately chugs the bottle of beer and Josh opens another one for him. After he finished chugging, he got the next bottle handed from Josh*

Josh: There you go... Atta boy!

Winston: Okay, thanks! Jake, truth or dare?

Jake: I'll go with truth!

Winston: Who is the hottest guy in this room?

Jake: Oh you fucker, I am not gay! But if I had to choose, it's definitely Nick. So Nick, truth or dare?

Nick: I will take that as a compliment. And I also choose truth as a starter. 

Jake: Nick, is the rumor about you and your girlfriend true? Have you done things in the bathroom of a gas station?

Nick: Wait, there is a rumor about that? I mean... Yeah, it is true actually...

*the group starts laughing a little*

Nick: So, Jocelyn, truth or dare?

Jocelyn: Uhm... Truth.

Nick: Since you're new, I'm going to be nice... Do you have a boyfriend?

*Josh immediately looks up at Jocelyn when he hears the question. He sees Jocelyn immediately looking at him after the question is asked. Josh then looks at Nick, who is smirking while looking back at Josh*

Jocelyn: No... Anyway, Carl, truth or dare?

Carl: Let me see what kind of dares you got. 

Jocelyn: Because you started off being a dick to me, I am going to dare you to eat a spoonful of wasabi! I'll even get it for you, because I am nice.

Carl: you're kidding, right?

Josh: That's karma for being a dick to new people.

*Jocelyn heads to the kitchen and comes back with a spoonful of wasabi. Josh is giggling at how Jocelyn took the opportunity to give Carl his karma. Carl takes the spoon and eats the wasabi. His face is completely red, but he fights through better than they expected*

Carl: Fuck, that hurt like shit... The tingles got in my nose! 

*Carl takes a sip of his beer and Josh pours another drink for Jocelyn*

Carl: Alright Josh... Truth or dare?

Josh: Uhm, truth.

Carl: Are the suspicions real? Do you have a crush on someone?

*Josh his face immediately goes red and he shoots a look at Jocelyn, who is looking at Josh curiously*

Josh: Yeah... But I am not telling who it is!

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