What to do?

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*Jocelyn wakes up on the couch slightly confused. She looked around and realized she fell asleep on the couch. She looks at Josh who is softly snoring on the couch and smiles a bit at him. Standing up quietly, she fixes his blanket to keep him warm and starts hopping to the kitchen. She grabs some ingredients and prepares something as quiet as possible. Warming up some butter in the pan, she mixes a batter. She prepares two plates and starts making some pancakes. When the pancakes are almost ready, she turns on the coffee machine and pours two coffees. She grabs the plates and the cups of coffee and brings them to the table in front of the couch. Sitting down on the couch she slightly nudges Josh*

Jocelyn: Buongiorno Josh! Ecco il tuo caffè.

*Josh wakes up very confused because of the Italian sentences*

Josh: Huh? Non parlo Italiano. Scusa.

*Jocelyn starts laughing*

Josh: What?! You had me so confused there! I thought an Italian person was speaking to me... Did you wake me up just to confuse me?

Jocelyn: No silly, I made breakfast! Good morning. Here is your coffee.

*Josh looks at the table and sees the pancakes*

Josh: You made pancakes?! I love pancakes! And grazie mille for la caffè.

*he takes his cup of coffee and takes a sip. While looking at Jocelyn, he smiles and then looks back at his pancakes. Jocelyn grabs her fork and starts eating*

Josh: So, do you speak Italian?

Jocelyn: Learning! Not that much but I am on my way.

Josh: Oh really? That's cool! I only know a few words. Because I speak Spanish, you know.

Jocelyn: Yeah, I know.

*they start laughing as they finish their breakfast*

Josh: So... What to do today?

Jocelyn: Is this going to be something we are gonna think about every free day?

Josh: Well, probably, yeah! 

Jocelyn: We could brainstorm some ideas? We are gonna get a whiteboard and write everything down that we want to do. Together! We could sit on our phones for a bit and do nothing. In the meantime, everything that comes to mind that we could do, is going to be written on the whiteboard. That way, we can fill in our free time these six weeks!

Josh: That seems like such a great idea! We can cross out everything we have done and take a picture of every moment we crossed off! 

Jocelyn: That is such a cute thing to do! 

Josh: I will get the whiteboard! I have one in the storage room, so we can use that one.

*Josh walks away and comes back with a whiteboard. He places it on to the table and starts writing a couple things*

Josh: Look! Going to a restaurant, go to a fair, buy a new outfit together, bake a cake together. Do you like them?

Jocelyn: They sound so fun! I am so looking forward to those!

-time skip to four in the afternoon- 

*they look at all these ideas they came up with, about thirty nine things they can do*

Josh: That will keep us busy for the next six weeks!

Jocelyn: Definitely! I can't wait to finish these all.

Josh: We could definitely do something after dinner. Do you wanna go to a fair tonight?

Jocelyn: Oh hell yeah! That is what we are gonna do.

Josh: Okay great! It's only five past four in the afternoon though... So we have to kill a bit of time before we can eat and go to the fair. 

Jocelyn: Okay, uhm... Truth or dare!

Josh: Woah, okay, calm down. I choose dare.

Jocelyn: Alright, let's see... Tell me your greatest pickup line! 

Josh: Uhm, are you tired?

Jocelyn: Huh, no why?

Josh: From crossing through my mind twenty-four seven. 

*Jocelyn starts laughing*

Jocelyn: Okay, okay, that is a good one!

Josh: Thank you, it's my best. Anyway, truth or dare.

Jocelyn: Truth!

Josh: So... What do you think about the time we have spent?

Jocelyn: Honestly? It has been such an experience! I think, I haven't been this social and happy in a long time. It's so weird how life can take a turn, just from going to one tiny event!

Josh: You think? I also really enjoyed these  two days with you already! Can't wait to see what the future has in store for us.

Jocelyn: I know it is going to be fun! So, truth or dare?

Josh: Well, let's go for a truth.

Jocelyn: What do you think about the fact that I had a crush on you? Like after the time we spent, how do you think about it now?

Josh: I actually kind of forgot. You seem like a housemate and friend to me you know? Not like a fan anymore. It's like I have known you for so much longer than we actually known each other for.

Jocelyn: Oh, that is so sweet! Thank you. I will be so sad when these six weeks end... But let's just hope time doesn't fly by that quickly and enjoy these moments! 

Josh: Let's enjoy these moments and some good food! What do you want for dinner?

Jocelyn: What about some beef, Brussel sprouts cooked with some bacon pieces and glazed carrot!

Josh: Sounds fancy somehow... What do you mean glazed? 

Jocelyn: You cook the carrot al dente and then you put butter in a pan with a little bit of sugar. When the sugar is dissolved you bake the carrots for just a bit in the butter.

Josh: Sounds sweet, I will get right on it!

Jocelyn: Thank you, I know you can do it! It's very easy.

Josh: I know, I can cook Jocelyn. no need to hype me up.

*Josh laughs and walks into the kitchen. Jocelyn scrolls on her phone and waits. She smells a great smell coming from the kitchen and calls out*

Jocelyn: I can already smell it. It smells great.

Josh: Thank you! It's almost ready. 

*a bit later, he walks into the living room with two plates and two sets of silverware*

Josh: Bon appetit.

*he places the plates on the table and sits down. Taking a fork, he smiles at Jocelyn waiting for her to start eating. Jocelyn takes her fork and takes a bite*

Jocelyn: Hm, that's so good! You really are a great cook!

Josh: Thanks.

*Josh also takes a bite*

Josh: It really is great! Especially those carrots! How did you find out about glazed carrots? 

Jocelyn: Well, I did a study on cooking for almost two years. I still remember how good that was! The moment I tasted the glaced carrot I made... Damn, that was heaven!

*they finish their food after a bit and Josh cleans up the plates*

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