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*they drive for another fifteen minutes*

Jocelyn: Are we almost there?

Josh: Wait for just a little bit longer, okay?

*after just a little bit, the car finally comes to a stop and the engine turns off*

Jocelyn: Oeh, can I take the blindfold off now?

Josh: Nope, I am going to lead you somewhere. I just need to grab the bag and then I will help you out of the car.

Jocelyn: Ugh, fine. 

*he grabs the bag and walks over to Jocelyn, helping her out of the car*

Josh: Are you ready?

Jocelyn: I don't know what I need to be ready for, so no, I'm not.

Josh: Stop whining about the fact that this is a surprise. I know you will love this!

Jocelyn: Fine. Yeah, I'm ready.

*Josh leads Jocelyn towards a set of stairs*

Josh: Watch your step. There are stairs here, I will tell you when they stop.

*they walk up the stairs. It's quite a long set of stairs. They walk onto a different surface and it kind of feels like a grainy texture*

Jocelyn: Where the fuck are we going?

Josh: We are almost there, keep your blindfold on for just a little bit longer!

Jocelyn: You have been saying this for the last ten minutes or so.

Josh: Trust me on this! I can see our destination.

Jocelyn: Fine...

*Josh leads Jocelyn towards a bar stool*

Josh: Sit down here.

Jocelyn: Can I take it off now?

Josh: Yeah! Take it off!

*Jocelyn takes off her blindfold and looks around. Her face has an excited expression after taking in where she is*

Jocelyn: Wait, a beach with a bar?!

Josh: Yeah! Maximum of three drinks a person though...

Jocelyn: Doesn't matter. I don't want these clothes getting wet though...

Josh: That's why I brought this bag! I got you a bikini!

Jocelyn: So, we are going swimming?!

Josh: Today wouldn't be complete if we didn't!

Jocelyn: Where can we change? 

*Josh hands Jocelyn her bikini and points towards some changing stalls. Jocelyn walks towards the stalls and starts changing inside a stall. Josh is wearing his swimming trousers underneath his clothes. He secures their stuff and takes off his shirt and pants before walking towards the stall Jocelyn is changing in*

Josh: Are you almost ready?

Jocelyn: Yeah, one second! 

*she walks out of the stall, wearing the bikini Josh bought for her*

Josh: You look lovely! Give me your clothes, I will put them away for you. The last one in the water is a rotten egg! You got a headstart!

*Jocelyn starts to slightly run, but is still careful with her foot. Josh walks towards their stuff and drops Jocelyn's clothes on their pile of stuff. After that, he sprints towards the sea*

Josh: I am getting closer! 

*right before Josh can reach the sea, Jocelyn reaches it first and they both fall in the water while laughing*

Jocelyn: Seems like the one making the deal lost!

*Josh splashes some water towards Jocelyn and they start a water fight*

Josh: You can't push me back! Gotta try harder than that! 

Jocelyn: Are you sure that you want to challenge me?

*Jocelyn pushes Josh as hard as she can and he falls backward in the water. He quickly comes back to the surface and laughs*

Josh: I never knew you could be so strong! Damn... Should we go for a drink? 

Jocelyn: Yeah sure, sounds good!

*they walk out of the water towards the beach bar and wait for the bartender*

Bartender: Hi, what can I get for you today?

Josh: Could I have a beer, please?

Jocelyn: And I would like a blue lagoon. Do you have that?

Bartender: Yeah, we have that. Just take a seat, I can bring it to you!

Josh: Alright, thank you so much! Let's go chill on the beach. I got us a beach towel we can lay on.

*while walking towards a comfortable space to settle, they talk a bit*

Josh: So, how are you so strong? You pushed me with ease back there.

Jocelyn: I don't know... I just am?

Josh: Did you have any jobs in a restaurant? You studied as a cook, so I would assume you did.

Jocelyn: Yeah! I worked there for about three years, I think.

Josh: Did you do any tasks involving carrying things? 

Jocelyn: I used to carry around potato sacks and huge containers. Also crates and uhm... boxes of ingredients.

Josh: So, you carried a lot of stuff?

Jocelyn: Yeah! Every day, I carried stuff towards the kitchen or in the fridge.

Josh: There is my answer. You are so strong because you carried so much stuff.

Jocelyn: Yeah okay... That explains.

*the bartender brings out their drinks and walks away again*

Jocelyn: Oeh, blue lagoon! 

Josh: Nah, I got a beer.

Jocelyn: This one is prettier. And better tasting!

Josh: That's arguable.

Jocelyn: Oeh, that's arguable, bla bla bla...

Josh: Don't be like that! 

Jocelyn: Why not?

Josh: Just because.

Jocelyn: Just because what?

Josh: Come on, stop it.

*Jocelyn starts giggling and leans backward, sipping her drink*

Josh: Was this worth the wait and being held a surprise?

Jocelyn: Hm... Yeah!

*Jocelyn is staring at Josh for a second, looking him up and down while he is leaning back and looking at the sea*

Josh: The sea is a pretty view, isn't it?

Jocelyn: Yeah! It's quite a pretty view.

*they relax for quite some time while drinking the three drinks they are able to get. Also, throughout the chatting and chilling they also messed around in the sea a couple of times. It's now about six in the evening and they are getting kind of hungry*

Josh: Is it time to go? We have been here for over six hours and I am getting hungry...

Jocelyn: Sure!

Josh: And don't forget about the little surprise for tonight!

Jocelyn: Yeah, yeah...

Josh: Come on! It's gonna be hilarious!

Jocelyn: I don't know what's scarier... The fact that it's a surprise or the fact you just said that it's gonna be hilarious...

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