First night at home

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*Lucy hands Jocelyn the two blunts. Secretly, Jocelyn hands Josh the second blunt when Lucy is not looking. Lucy and Jocelyn light their blunts and Jocelyn gives her lighter to Josh*

Lucy: How does it feel? Leaving your home forever?

Jocelyn: It's weird that I'll never go into that house again... But I wouldn't say that it's bad. I'm happy that I'm here with Josh.

*Josh lights his blunt when Lucy is distracted. When he blows out the smoke, Lucy looks at him confused*

Lucy: Wait... You're smoking a blunt?! I didn't know you smoked weed!

Josh: I actually don't really smoke weed, but I mean... Once in a while, I can smoke with you and Jocelyn.

*Jocelyn starts laughing*

Jocelyn: Weren't you wondering why I would want two blunts? Why I would smoke alone tomorrow?

Lucy: I wasn't actually thinking about that, no. But I mean, it's fun! Just kind of unexpected.

Josh: It's still so weird that you know me, but I don't really know you.

Jocelyn: Still, you go along really well! And Lucy, stop saying that Josh is your favorite celebrity.

Lucy: What? Why?

Josh: I think she is trying to say that we're friends now.

Jocelyn: Yeah! He isn't just a celebrity to you. He's my boyfriend and you guys are going to have to get along, because you are still my best friend and he is my butterfly. You guys are going to be seeing each other a lot, so that means that you guys are friends now.

Lucy: This is so weird, but I can't say no to that!

Josh: Just act like I am just another person that you are becoming friends with.

Lucy: Yeah no, sure will! But it's just kind of surprising to think I'm going to be friends with you.

Jocelyn: Going to? Girl, you already are.

Lucy: Okay, okay, got it. But you get what I mean, right?

Josh: Yeah, I can see what you mean. 

*they talk for a little bit while smoking their blunts. They get to the point that the giggles are pretty active*

Jocelyn: Oh my god, do you guys remember when me and Lucy went smoking without Josh knowing? And that I came back here stoned.

Lucy: Yes! How did that go? Did Josh realize anything?

Josh: I knew pretty quickly... Her eyes were all puffy and red. She was giggling and it was just very obvious.

Jocelyn: But he really said something like uhm... If you had told me, I would have joined y'all.

Josh: We fell asleep on the couch that night. I never told you Jocelyn, but that was the night, I noticed that I had some attraction towards you.

Lucy: Oeh, were y'all sleeping against each other?

Jocelyn: No, we weren't! It was like the second night at his house. He didn't even know me for longer than a week back then.

Lucy: Fair, fair.

*Josh suddenly starts giggling and Jocelyn looks at him, trying to hold in her own giggles*

Lucy: What?

Jocelyn: I think someone is a little stoned.

Josh: Can you blame me? You are also almost giggling and Lucy her eyes are hanging!

Lucy: I have to be honest, I'm also pretty stoned...

Josh: See! I'm not the only one here.

*they are all giggling a bit. Josh leans closer to Jocelyn, scooting closer to her with his chair*

Lucy: I have to use the bathroom. Where is it?

Josh: You go into the hallway and then the first door after the living room. The middle one.

Lucy: Got it, thank you.

*Lucy walks to the bathroom, leaving Josh and Jocelyn alone. Josh puts his arm around Jocelyn*

Jocelyn: I'm so glad I finally got to move in with you... I would almost say it's like a dream. I mean, it was when I was younger, but you get what I mean.

Josh: I have a surprise for you tomorrow...

Jocelyn: Come on, Josh... Really?! You know I can't stand surprises... And I have nothing for you!

Josh: I just love spoiling you and you being here is my gift. Don't worry about it, okay? Just trust me.

Jocelyn: Who knows about this?

Josh: Nick and Jake. Oh, and Lucy!

Jocelyn: Lucy knows?!

Josh: She sure does! She helped me pick it out even. Because who knows you better than your best friend?

Jocelyn: Ugh... I'm going to have to wait until tomorrow, won't I?

*Josh chuckles and kisses Jocelyn on the forehead*

Josh: You can handle the wait, can't you? Just till tomorrow. Nothing too bad...

*Jocelyn groans and sinks in her seat*

Jocelyn: I don't like surprises or waiting... 

Josh: Get used to it love, because now... You are mine to spoil. And I love surprising you.

*he pulls Jocelyn back up in her seat and presses his forehead against hers*

Jocelyn: You are too sweet...

Josh: It was hard finding someone who sees me for me and not for my fame... Not for my looks and not for my name. When you were lying in the hospital, drunk. You were babbling about me, and when I asked you what you would do if you would've met me again, you said that you wouldn't do anything to me... You would respect my personal space and that your imagination stays your imagination... That was the moment I decided that I could trust you. You have been so sweet and caring, nothing like usual fans at all! They would all ask for pictures and talk to me like I am some sort of god, but you? You were talking to me and not Josh Hutcherson. I love you... And I am so glad you came onto my path.

*suddenly Lucy walks in on the situation, awkwardly*

Lucy: Do you want me to go? It's getting late anyway and the blunts are already smoked... You know, I am just leaving okay? I'll leave you to it.

Jocelyn: Oh, I'm sorry Lucy! I'll walk with you to the front door. Thank you so much for helping today. 

*Jocelyn stands up, petting Josh on his head and walks with Lucy to the front door*

Jocelyn: I'll see you next time, okay? Have a good night!

Lucy: Enjoy the night girl! He seems like a real gem... Not just because he is Josh, but because he really loves you... You struck a gentleman. 

Jocelyn: He is absolutely the sweetest... Have a good night, okay? Goodnight!

Lucy: Goodnight! 

*Lucy leaves and Josh walks into the hallway*

Josh: I cleaned everything up. Do you want to cuddle to sleep?

*Jocelyn doesn't even reply and grabs Josh by the arm, pulling him upstairs. They get into bed and fall asleep cuddling* 

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