The fair

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*Jocelyn stands up and hops to the hallway. She grabs her Jacket and smiles at Josh*

Jocelyn: Are we going now? 

Josh: Now already? It's like six? Shouldn't we wait just a bit, until it's like dark or something?

Jocelyn: It's gonna be dark in like a half hour!

*Josh sighs and Jocelyn starts pouting*

Jocelyn: Please, can we pretty please go already?

*He lets out another sigh and gives in*

Josh: Alright... Put on your jacket and shoe.

Jocelyn: Yeah, let's go!

*they put on their jacket and shoes and get into the car. They don't take the wheelchair this time, knowing there will probably be a lot of places to sit*

Josh: You can always hold me if you need support with walking. 

Jocelyn: Alright, let's go!

*Josh smiles and starts driving*

Josh: Someone is excited to go to the fair... Is there a specific reason you like them so much?

Jocelyn: I just love them very much! They are so exciting!

Josh: Okay that's fair.

*Josh starts laughing at his joke*

Josh: You get it? Fair?

*Jocelyn also starts laughing now, finally understanding the joke. After about ten minutes, they arrive at the fair and Jocelyn gets very excited*

Josh: What do you wanna do first?

Jocelyn: Can we go to the stand where you can shoot things? 

Josh: You wanna shoot things?

Jocelyn: Yeah! I was always so good at that, I wanna know if I still have the skill you know?

Josh: Yeah, okay sure, let's go.

*they slowly but surely make their way to the stand. Josh asks for five shots each*

Josh: Ladies first, of course.

*Jocelyn giggles and grabs the gun. She shoots and hits all five targets perfectly. Josh his face goes from smiling to absolutely flabbergasted*

Josh: What?! How? Well, I do now know, not to get into a fight with you.

*she starts laughing and gives the gun to Josh*

Jocelyn: Well, good luck beating me!

*Josh starts shooting and he hits four out of five*

Jocelyn: Well, that is not that bad! 

Josh: Yeah! I'm really proud of it! 

Jocelyn: You should be, that was great.

Josh: Wait, close your eyes and cover your ears.

*she closes her eyes and covers her ears. Josh takes the points they got and buys a teddy bear holding a heart with the letter J on it. He holds it behind his back and taps Jocelyn*

Josh: Jocelyn...

Jocelyn: yeah?

*he shows her the teddy bear*

Jocelyn: Oh my god, that is so cute! Is that for me?

Josh: Yeah! I immediately spotted it when we came here and I really wanted to get it for you.

*he looks at the ferris wheel and gets an idea*

Josh: Let's get a typical fair snack.

Jocelyn: Sounds good! I already know I want, a caramel apple.

*they get some snacks and walk towards the ferris wheel. Jocelyn grabs Josh his hand so she won't lose him. She thinks they are going to sit somewhere at a table but Josh is leading her to the queue of the ferris wheel. Jocelyn finally notices they are going to the ferris wheel queue*

Jocelyn: Wait, are we going in there?

Josh: Yeah! Are you excited?

Jocelyn: I- I'm not sure... I love the view but I'm always scared it will break somehow. 

Josh: It won't break! Let's just enjoy the view with our snack.

*they get into the ferris wheel and sit down next to each other. They eat their snacks and when they get to the highest point of the ferris wheel, they take a cute picture together*

Josh: This is going to be the picture to prove we went to a fair! Do you like it?

Jocelyn: It is so cute!

*when they get out of the ferris wheel, a small group of people walk over to them*

??: Oh my god, Josh Hutcherson! Can we get an autograph?! 

Josh: Well, I don't have a pen on me right now... Would you wanna take a picture?

??: That would be so cool, of course! And does your girlfriend want to join the picture?

*Josh smiles at Jocelyn looking for her reaction*

Josh: She isn't my girlfriend but I think she doesn't mind being in the picture.

Jocelyn: I don't mind! Come on, let's take a picture.

*the fans take a picture with them and after they go away, Jocelyn smiles at Josh*

Jocelyn: That was so cute! They thought we had a relationship.

*they start laughing and sit down on a bench*

Josh: That was really cute... I always love it when fans come up to me. It's getting late though... Should we head home?

*Jocelyn nods and they head to the car*

Josh: You should put on some music again. You have a great music taste, you know that?

Jocelyn: Well, it's really mixed. I have a lot of different songs in my playlist. 

Josh: Well, you got a song for every mood then! That's good right?

Jocelyn: You could say that.

*they arrive at the car and start driving home. Jocelyn puts on some music again*

Josh: Wait, I know this song! This was my mother's favorite song!

Jocelyn: It was my mother's favorite song too! 

Josh: What was the name again?

Jocelyn: Payhone from Maroon Five!

Josh: Wait isn't that song about wanting someone back in your life? They kept the necklaces... What if this song reminded them of each other? If your mother still talked about my mother before she passed... It would make sense because my mother told me about your mother when she gave me the necklace. And right after, she went to listen to this song...

Jocelyn: Wait, you are onto something... What if they loved each other? 

Josh: There might be a possibility! That would be so cute. We aren't able to find out anyway, but it would be very cute!

*they arrive home and sit down on the couch together* 

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