Horror night part 1

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*they get up from the couch and exit the bookstore. When they get to the car, Jocelyn immediately connects to the speaker while stepping inside the car. Josh notices this and speaks sarcastically*

Josh: You wanna play some music? Sure, go right ahead.

Jocelyn: You know I want to, I'm not even going to ask anymore. I always connect! 

Josh: Okay, that's true...

*Josh starts driving home while Jocelyn is putting on some music. When Jocelyn finally found the right song, she presses play. The song: "Somewhere Only We Know~ Keane" starts playing* 

Josh: We should go to the park after our sticker adventure tomorrow! This song kind of reminds me of the tree...

Jocelyn: Sure, sounds fun.

*when they arrive home, Josh walks into the kitchen while Jocelyn hops into the living room. Josh starts making some dinner and Jocelyn quietly hops into the kitchen behind him. Josh doesn't notice anything at all and Jocelyn finally creeps up to him, scaring him*

Josh: AAH! Don't scare me like that, jesus! 

Jocelyn: Did you maybe wanna play a horror VR game tonight?

Josh: Do you really want to play a horror game?

Jocelyn: You should play, I want to watch!

Josh: Fine... After eating we can play a VR horror game.

Jocelyn: Thank you! What are we eating today?

Josh: Some rice with zucchini and beef.

Jocelyn: Oeh, that sounds so good!

Josh: Yeah, so sit down and wait patiently until it's done. If you stay here watching me cook, it is only going to take longer.

Jocelyn: Alrighty... Fine, I will sit down and wait, if you promise me we will play the game after eating.

Josh: Yeah definitely, we will!

*Jocelyn walks back to the couch and sits down. Finally, after some time, Josh walks in with two plates*

Josh: I got dinner! I love zucchini so much and I really think you will like it too.

Jocelyn: I could never say no to zucchini. If it is prepared right, it tastes so great!

Josh: See, I am not the only one that thinks this way. My friend has been laughing at me, telling me that there is no way zucchini can ever taste good. 

Jocelyn: A good cook will know that you can make anything taste good with the right preparations and herbs. 

Josh: See, that is what I have been trying to tell him. He is just as stubborn as a donkey.

*Josh gives a plate to Jocelyn and sits down next to her*

Josh: Well, enjoy the food.

Jocelyn: Oh, I will.

*they start eating and talking about vegetables. When they finish, Jocelyn picks up the plates and brings them to the kitchen. Josh in the meantime, starts preparing the VR game*

Jocelyn: I am going to turn off all the lights okay? 

Josh: Sure, I am almost done preparing the game for us.

Jocelyn: Alright! This is going to be so much fun...

Josh: For you, I hate horror games...

Jocelyn: Wait you do? I thought you liked them?

Josh: I am just doing this for your entertainment, I really don't like horror games.

*Josh starts laughing and Jocelyn seems kind of surprised*

Jocelyn: I really thought you liked horror... If you don't want to play it, that's alright! 

Josh: Nah, I have everything set up already. And you know... With you, it might be fun! 

Jocelyn: If you say so.

*Jocelyn sits down on the couch watching the screen. Josh puts on the VR gear and starts the game*

Josh: I am already regretting this decision... 

*Jocelyn starts giggling as the game starts. Josh is now walking in a creepy and dark forest, following a weird track of fabrics*

Josh: Why do I need to follow fabrics? How does that make sense? Yeah, I'm in a dark forest and I absolutely love following fabrics... Such a great idea.

*he is talking in a very sarcastic and slightly nervous tone. Finally, he reaches a shed and he does not want to go in at all. But it's the game, he has to*

Josh: Jocelyn... I really don't wanna go in the shed. Can I just go back? Please? 

Jocelyn: The game doesn't allow you to go back. You have to go in the shed.

Josh: Oh god, okay here we go...

*Josh walks into the shed and a piece of wood from the ceiling falls down in front of him*

Josh: Jesus! Why?! Why am I in this shed, it is literally falling apart... 

*Jocelyn watches in amusement seeing everything he does on screen. Josh walks further, looking in every cabinet and drawer he sees*

Josh: Oh look! A flashlight! That is very useful. 

*he walks towards the hallway and waits before he turns the corner*

Josh: Jocelyn, I am telling you, something is going to happen in this hallway...

Jocelyn: Go find out!

Josh: I really don't want to.

Jocelyn: Josh, don't be such a pussy and go! 

*Josh turns the corner and a whole swarm of rats that are eating the upper half of a dead body starts running towards a room at the other end of the hallway*

Josh: This makes me wanna puke... The rats were eating the upper half of a dead body. Jocelyn, you see that right? This is so gross. And they want me to go into the room the rats went? I'm sure they want to, let's just get this over with.

Jocelyn: Oh god, that is gross. Just walk past it, I don't wanna see it.

*walking towards the door, Josh lets out a very nervous sigh. He opens the door and a rat jumps onto the screen, it looks like it lunges onto his face for Josh, since he is wearing a VR headset. He lets out a shriek and punches the air in front of him trying to get the rat off*

Josh: Help! Get this thing off of me! 

*Jocelyn is laughing at Josh his useless attempts to punch the rat. The rat finally gets off of the screen and Josh is still slightly freaking out*

Josh: I really regret starting this game. Okay, what do I have to do now...

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