The evening

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*Josh smiles*

Josh: Maybe we were... Wouldn't be surprised if I'm being honest.

Jocelyn: I mean, we didn't even know each other a week ago. And look at us right now.

*her phone starts ringing suddenly*

Jocelyn: Oh, it's Lucy. Do you mind if I pick up?

Josh: No, I don't mind, no worries.

*Jocelyn picks up and starts talking*

Jocelyn: What? Tomorrow already? Out tonight? I am not sure... I can ask! 

*she looks at Josh*

Jocelyn: Hey, do you mind if Lucy picks me up tonight, so we can chill outside? She is flying out tomorrow and we wanted a last chat before she is away for like 2 to 3 weeks...

Josh: Sure! We still need to exchange numbers, so when we do, I can send you my address so you can send it to her. That way, I don't have to spell it out. 

*Jocelyn brings her attention back to her phone*

Jocelyn: Yeah, we are all good to go! Are you bringing stuff? Make sure not to bring too much alright? Okay, I will see you later! Bye!

*hanging up she looks at Josh*

Jocelyn: Don't worry, I won't be gone for too long! If you send the address, she will be picking me up in about fifteen minutes.

*they exchange numbers and Josh sends his address. Jocelyn sends it to Lucy and Josh picks up Jocelyn to bring her downstairs. They get to the kitchen and Josh hands Jocelyn her necklace*

Josh: Let's put our necklaces on! It's too cute not to.

*Jocelyn smiles as they both put on their necklaces. A bit of time passes with them talking and finally they hear a car pull up*

Jocelyn: That would be Lucy, I think... She doesn't know this is your house. Do you want to surprise her?

Josh: I think that would be funny, yeah! Let's go surprise her!

*Josh walks towards the door waiting for the bell to ring. The bell rings and Josh opens the door while Jocelyn puts on her coat, grabbing the wheelchair. Lucy looks at Josh who is leaning on the doorframe and just freezes. Jocelyn laughs while parking the wheelchair behind Josh and stands beside him, pushing his arm off of the doorframe so she can see Lucy*

Jocelyn: Hey girl, surprise!

*Lucy is still standing frozen but finally is able to respond*

Lucy: How?! Is this for real?! 

Josh: Very real! It's the real Josh Hutcherson, standing right in front of you! With his housemate and friend Jocelyn.

Lucy: Oh my god! Can I please get a picture?!

*Josh nods and puts his arm around Jocelyn and his hand on Lucy her shoulder for the picture*

Lucy: Thank you so much! This means so much to me, this is so crazy to meet you! 

Josh: I am happy that it means so much to you.

Lucy: Well, is it alright if I take Jocelyn for a bit?

Josh: If you bring her home safe, it's fine with me. And please be careful with the wheelchair, it's from the hospital.

Lucy: I will, I promise to be careful! And I will bring her home safe.

*Josh moves out of the doorframe and pushes the wheelchair behind Jocelyn. Jocelyn sits down and Josh pushes her outside so Lucy can take over*

Jocelyn: See you tonight Josh! 

Josh: See you tonight.

*Josh closes the door and Lucy lets out a shriek*

Lucy: Jocelyn, tell me that I am dreaming! This is fake right?! You're actually living with Josh Hutcherson right now?! 

*Jocelyn starts laughing* 

Jocelyn: Unbelievable right? It's so crazy, but cool! Now, come on with that blunt. After all these events, I'm in need of a calm headspace. 

*Lucy hands Jocelyn a blunt and they start smoking, Lucy pushes Jocelyn towards a bench, so Lucy can sit* 

Jocelyn: It's crazy, I've been on a set yesterday. I'm gonna be in a movie!

Lucy: Wait, are you for real?!

Jocelyn: The director even told me that he wanted to help me become a real actor with Josh. So I am going to fulfill my dream and become an actual actor!

*Lucy is absolutely flabbergasted and sits down on the bench*

Lucy: So, you are telling me that you are becoming an actual actor and that you are living with Josh right now?!

Jocelyn: You did me a favor by flying out you know... If you said that I could've stayed with you, I wouldn't be staying at his. So, I have to thank you for that!

*they talk for a bit and finish smoking their blunts. They start giggling and Lucy starts talking again*

Lucy: So... Anything interesting that happened yet?

Jocelyn: Uhm... Well, the first morning I showered and I was doing my hair... He walked into the bathroom not knowing I was there and uhm... 

*Jocelyn starts giggling*

Jocelyn: It was kind of awkward, but he came in without a shirt on.

Lucy: No way! Are you for real?! What did you think? Were you crushing?

Jocelyn: I looked away as quickly as I could because it was a little awkward. But maybe, just maybe I do have a crush on him. But you can not tell him! He does know already but I am trying to just think of him as friends! And that's also how I act with him! If I am staying with him I need to make things fun, chill, and definitely not awkward! 

Lucy: Okay, that's understandable... Anything else that happened?

Jocelyn: Well, we went to clean up the attic and I slipped on the way up. I did manage to grab something but I was just dangling there... I called out for him and he came up to me. He ran when he saw me and grabbed me by the waist so he could get me down. I think he forgot he was still holding my waist because when he put me down, he was just looking at me... I hugged him and oh my god, I wanted that for so long. That was our first hug! When we were sorting out the attic, we started singing and dancing and it was so cute! I lost my balance, he caught me and just held me until the end of the song.

Lucy: Oh my god, that is so adorable! 

*Lucy looks at the time on her watch*

Lucy: Let's head back though, I still need to pack my suitcases...

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