Game night part 1

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*Jocelyn looks at Josh vibing and starts to laugh*

Josh: What? What's so funny?

Jocelyn: I don't know! It's just funny.

Josh: You know... I am gonna show you funny! We are gonna play a game on the Switch and I promise you that you are gonna like it! And high likely, you are gonna think it's hilarious!

*Josh turns on his Switch and starts up Gang Beasts. He gives Jocelyn a Switch controller and starts explaining the game*

Josh: So, what we are gonna do is uhm... You can choose a character. And when the game starts, we have to throw each other out of the arena or we can punch each other knockout. Each arena has its own difficulties, just like there is this one arena where there are huge trapdoors and you can throw each other through those trapdoors, but you can also fall through the trapdoors yourself.

Jocelyn: Okay so, we are in a battle to kill each other? And we have to watch out to not accidentally kill ourselves?

Josh: Yes, exactly!

*the game is now loaded on the main screen and Josh starts the game up*

Josh: Okay, you can choose your character now. What do you wanna play as?

*Jocelyn scrolls through the characters*

Jocelyn: Chicken! It's a chicken!

*she starts laughing*

Josh: Okay you get the chicken then!

*Josh starts up the game and they start fighting each other. You can hear both their giggles as they really try their best to win*

Josh: You will not catch me! I will get you first!

Jocelyn: We will see about that! It looks like I'm winning right now though!

*the game is over and the screen shows: "Jocelyn won"*

Jocelyn: Ha! I won!

*Josh sits back defeated*

Josh: I gotta give it to you... You are pretty good. Let's do another round!

*they start up another round and Jocelyn wins again*

Josh: That was totally unfair! I should've won that round.

Jocelyn: But you didn't. Accept that I'm better at the game than you!

*Josh lets out a sigh*

Josh: Fine... You are better at the game. Happy now?

*Jocelyn starts giggling, and Josh can't seem to hold in his laughter either*

Josh: We should play another game... A game that's fun for both of us! I have seen this game around and it seems very interesting, but I have never been able to play it because it's a two player game... Have you heard of It Takes Two?

Jocelyn: I have seen it around. I always wanted to play it, but never could for the same reason!

Josh: Well then, I'm gonna buy the game right now and we can play it! I have been so excited about this game.

*Josh searches for the game  in the Nintendo store and buys the game*

Josh: So... What are we gonna do in the meantime?

Jocelyn: I don't know. Play another game or something?

Josh: What kind of game? Should we play truth or dare or something?

Jocelyn: Oeh that is quite fun. But not the extreme version right?

Josh: No, of course not! Okay truth or dare?

Jocelyn: Uhm... Truth.

Josh: Okay uhm... I don't know anything about you so that is gonna be easy! What is your favorite color?

Jocelyn: It's like turquoise but not exactly. Blue-greenish colors are lovely! Somewhat turquoise but not just turquoise you know?

Josh: Oeh that's nice! Blue-greenish colors are very pretty!

Jocelyn: Exactly right! Anyway... Truth or dare?

Josh: Uhm shoot me a dare.

Jocelyn: Alright... What about... I dare you to show your secret talent! But not the cricket noise, I know about that one already.

Josh: Oeh that's something to think about. Wait, I got it.

*Josh walks up to the guitar randomly standing in his living room and starts playing a song*

Jocelyn: You can play the guitar?! I had a suspicion but I wasn't sure... that's awesome!

Josh: Yeah right! I actually learned it when I was younger and it kept by me. So, truth or dare?

Jocelyn: I'll choose another truth again.

Josh: Alrighty... I'm curious because, I am your celebrity crush right? What is your favorite thing about me?

Jocelyn: Well... That's hard to choose. I am gonna name like two or three things. First of all your personality, because you are so sweet and so open to everyone, especially that you are very thoughtful. Second of all, you are cute. Like, you are just cute. Last but not least, your eyes! Your eyes are so pretty! And I just love the way they look... I don't know how to explain it exactly.

*Jocelyn starts giggling*

Josh: That's... A lot.

*the game Josh just bought has finished downloading and it gives off a signal telling them it has finished*

Josh: Oh! Seems like the game has finished downloading! I am so excited to finally play it.

Jocelyn: Yeah so am I! I have been dying to play that game.

Josh: Let's start up the game then.

*Josh starts up the game*

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