Cleaning the attic

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*Josh orders their food and they drive to the first window. Jocelyn gets her wallet out of her pocket and grabs her card but Josh pushes her hand away*

Josh: My treat.

Jocelyn: Are you sure about that? You already have done more than enough!

Josh: Shh, it's my treat.

*Josh pays for the food and they drive to the second window. They get their food handed over and drive off to their house*

Josh: Can you open it up? I'm hungry.

*Jocelyn opens the bags and hands Josh his fries. She starts snacking on her chicken nuggets herself*

Jocelyn: Oh, I have been craving this for such a long time! 

*Josh laughs a bit and keeps on driving home. When they arrive, Josh helps Jocelyn out of the car. Jocelyn hops up the stairs while Josh locks the car and puts the wheelchair in the hallway. He walks upstairs and opens the door to the attic*

Josh: Are you able to go up here alone? I am going to get my speaker, so we can play some good music.

Jocelyn: Yeah I think so! You go grab that speaker, I will figure this out.

*Jocelyn tries to get up the steep stairs while Josh starts searching for his speaker. She trips and grabs onto something so she won't fall down. Her hand is slowly but surely slipping off and she can't get her good leg to step onto a stair, so she can't stand up. She yells out for Josh, with a slight panic in her voice*

Jocelyn: Josh! Can you help me out real quick?! Like right now!

*Josh walks towards the stairs but starts to run as soon as he sees Jocelyn hanging there. He runs halfway up the stairs and grabs her by the waist so he can carry her down*

Josh: Jocelyn, are you okay?! Are you hurt?

*they are now back on the ground and Josh puts Jocelyn down. He forgets to let go of her waist so they're just standing there looking at each other. Josh has a worried expression on his face*

Josh: Are you okay? Did you get hurt?

Jocelyn: I'm okay... Luckily I am not hurt, but I would've been if you weren't here.

*Josh is still holding Jocelyn by her waist, so Jocelyn goes in for a hug. The hug takes quite a few seconds before Jocelyn breaks it. She looks him in the eyes before looking back at the attic*

Jocelyn: Can you help me up? I think that's a safer idea.

*he laughs and picks her up*

Josh: I will carry you up! That's even better.

*they both laugh now and Josh carries her to the attic. He puts her down and walks back down the stairs*

Josh: I will be right back! 

*Josh gets his speaker and walks back to the attic*

Josh: Do you want to connect to the speaker? 

*Jocelyn smiles and takes out her phone immediately. She connects to the speaker and starts playing a playlist*

Josh: So... How are we gonna sort this out?

Jocelyn: Why don't you give me a couple of boxes on how you want it to be sorted. Like if it was my attic with my stuff, I would say uhmm... Stuff from my mom, electronics, and seasonal stuff! And of course, a random box.

Josh: That is a great idea! Okay, I will give you some boxes and a marker alright?

Jocelyn: Sure thing.

*Josh throws some empty boxes to Jocelyn's side and hands her a marker. He brings the full boxes on her side to his side*

Josh: So, I need a box with my mother's stuff. And uhm seasonals, of course! Just like you said, electronics... I need one with old clothing and the last one will be a random box!

*they start sorting the stuff and Jocelyn starts to sing along with the music a little. The song ends and: "Love Is An Open Door- Frozen" starts playing. Jocelyn starts with singing*

Jocelyn: I mean it's crazy! 

*Josh also sings along*

Josh: What?

Jocelyn: We finish each other's-

Josh: Sandwiches!

Jocelyn: That's what I was gonna say!

*they continue to sing, and dance a little with it. They walk towards each other in the middle of the attic. The song ends and they start laughing, a new song comes up called: "Just Give Me A Reason- P!nk" and they sing their whole hearts out. They dance and sing together like there is nothing else in the world. Jocelyn loses her balance and Josh catches her smiling. They keep singing while Josh is holding Jocelyn and making eye contact. The song ends and Josh helps Jocelyn back on her feet again while they start to laugh*

Jocelyn: That was amazing! I didn't know you could sing that well! 

Josh: Neither did I! But I'm glad we could find out together.

Jocelyn: If this was filmed it would go viral for being so cute! I know that for sure!

Josh: It definitely would! We should continue sorting  though... We're on the last three boxes! This will be quick.

Jocelyn: Wait... three hours have passed already?! Wow, time went by fast.

Josh: Yeah, that is for sure! Should we first place the organized boxes in their own corners before finishing these?

*they talk a lot while sorting the attic. Jocelyn nods and helps sort the boxes in their own corners. There is a corner for all electronic boxes and another corner for seasonal stuff. They start organizing the last three boxes. The last box is finally being organized and Josh is suddenly completely quiet after seeing something on the bottom of it*

Jocelyn: Josh? Why are you so quiet all of a sudden? Is everything okay?

*Josh looks up at Jocelyn while grabbing the thing on the bottom of the box*

Josh: Jocelyn... Could you give me your necklace real quick? Please?

*Jocelyn nods looking confused and slightly worried. She gives him the necklace and he reveals another necklace in his hands. He puts the necklaces together and they form the wings of a butterfly* 

Jocelyn: Oh my- Is that?

Josh: The other half...

*They both start smiling and a tear forms in Jocelyn her eye*

Jocelyn: Is that from your mom? 

Josh: Yeah? How do you know...

Jocelyn: My mom had two best friends in high school... They bought this three parts necklaces, that was one of a piece... My mom, your mom and a guy... She couldn't shut up about it her last two years before she passed...

Josh: So... Our mothers knew each other? And some other guy we have no idea of who it is...

Jocelyn: I think we were meant to cross paths.

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