On set part 3

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*the scenes are all filmed and Josh is looking for Jocelyn while walking toward Kevin*

Josh: Kev! Have you seen Jocelyn? 

Kevin: Yeah, she wanted to go to the chill room on her own... I actually forgot to check up on her, but now you are looking for her anyway... Can you go check up on her?

Josh: Yeah sure, I got you.

*Josh walks towards the chill room and knocks. He doesn't hear anything*

Josh: Jocelyn? Are you in here?

*he still doesn't get a reaction, he decides to just walk into the room. He looks around and spots Jocelyn sitting there, she's sleeping with her phone in her hands. He smiles a little seeing this and lays down on the couch beside her, waiting for her to wake up. About ten minutes pass and Josh also starts falling asleep. Kevin starts to get curious about why it's taking so long for them to get out of the room, so he walks to the room to check up on them. When he walks into the room, he sees Josh and Jocelyn both sleeping peacefully. He laughs silently and steps outside of the room*

Kevin: Hey guys! Be quiet and come see this.

*a couple of people from the cast and set come over to see what is happening and they all start giggling. Two or three people take a picture of it as a memory for Josh. Jocelyn wakes up confused by the giggles. She looks around confused seeing a group of people standing at the doorframe and Josh sleeping on the couch that's next to her*

Jocelyn: What the- What is this about?!

Kevin: We thought it was cute, how you were both sleeping in here.

*Jocelyn tries to reach Josh to shake him awake but accidentally slaps him in the face causing him to wakes up startled*

Josh: Who- What was that for?!

*Josh sits up and looks around now seeing the group of people giggling. He lets out a sigh and looks at Jocelyn*

Jocelyn: I really didn't mean to slap you, I promise! I tried to shake you awake but you are almost out of reach.

Josh: Well, this is one way to wake up from a nap.

Jocelyn: Tell me what... I didn't even notice I fell asleep.

*Josh looks at his phone to see what time it is*

Josh: Okay, it was fun and all, but you guys can continue on what you were doing. Nothing much to see here any more. 

*the group walks away. Jocelyn and Josh are sitting there alone in the room and they yawn at the same time*

Josh: Did we just-

Jocelyn: Yawn at the same time?

*they start to laugh*

Jocelyn: That's crazy.

*Josh his stomach starts to rumble*

Josh: Should we get going? I am craving some McDonald's fries.

*Jocelyn nods and laughs a bit more. Josh stands up and pushes Jocelyn towards the exit*

Josh: You have an idea of what to get at the McDonalds?

Jocelyn: Chicken nuggies and fries!

Josh: Okay I gotcha!

*the director walks up to them*

The director: Jocelyn! I really liked your acting today, I wanted to say that I would love to help you get into acting with Josh.

Jocelyn: That would be great! I will be here again when Josh needs to be here... We are starving, so is it okay if we go home now and talk about this next time??

The director: Oh yeah, no worries. We can talk about it next time. I just wanted to inform you about how good you are at acting and that you should definitely do something with it!

Jocelyn: Well, we will work on that next time definitely. I will see you next time!

Josh: That would be in two days.

The director: Alright, enjoy your day and have a good meal.

*they say goodbye and start walking to the car. Jocelyn hops in the car while Josh puts the wheelchair in the back again. He gets into the driver seat and starts driving to the McDonald's*

Josh: May I say that I am proud of you? Can I?

Jocelyn: Why would you be proud of me?

Josh: Well... You were great at acting, even though you didn't know you would be acting today. And you are so sweet, that's what I am proud of!

*Jocelyn blushes slightly and tries to hide it*

Jocelyn: Thank you! I have wanted to be an actor since I knew you! Well, not exactly knew... How would you describe it? I don't know how to describe it.

Josh: Uhm, that's a very good question. Since you uhm... Since you saw me on screen?

Jocelyn: Yeah, that's how you could say it.

*they smile as they both watch the road*

Josh: You want to put on some music again?

Jocelyn: Hell yeah! Of course I want to!

*she connects her phone to the car and puts on some music again. She is so into the music that she starts quietly singing again. Josh notices this again and smiles while driving*

Josh: You have a beautiful voice... You know that?

*Jocelyn gets quiet instantly and looks slightly embarrassed* 

Josh: No, don't stop now! No need to be embarrassed. I love your voice, keep on singing.

*she is still quiet and embarrassed*

Jocelyn: But now you said something about it, I can't. That's just kind of awkward you know... Maybe we could do some karaoke tonight? When we are home and more comfortable?

Josh: Sounds like a plan! Or we could sing along to songs while we are cleaning up the attic? 

Jocelyn: That is also a fun idea! What about duet songs? That would be entertaining.

Josh: That is exactly what we are gonna do today.

*they drive into the drive through*

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