The cat cafe

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Jocelyn: I am craving coffee. I swear as soon as we arrive, I will be ordering immediately. 

Josh: You just had coffee though?

Jocelyn: Not enough! It's still morning remember?

Josh: I mean... Fair enough.

*a bit later, they arrive at the cat cafe*

Jocelyn: Oh my god, we are here! I am so excited to have interactions with cats! 

Josh: Me too! I love cats!

Jocelyn: Are you a cat or dog person?

Josh: I love both, but if I had to choose, it would be dogs!

Jocelyn: Yeah, dogs are very sweet! 

Josh: Let's just go inside, I can't wait any longer.

*they get inside and sit down at a table. Immediately, a cat runs over to them and sits on their table. Jocelyn starts talking to a cat in a baby voice*

Jocelyn: Hi cutie, how sweet! 

*a server walks to their table and smiles at them*

Server: Hi, welcome to our cat cafe! What did you like to drink today?

Josh: Uhm, could I have a coffee with sugar, please?

Jocelyn: And do you have a caramel iced coffee maybe?

Server: Yeah we do! Is that all for right now? Any snacks you might want to try?

Jocelyn: Oh no, just the drinks for now, thank you!

Josh: We are good like this right now, thank you!

*they get surrounded by quite a few cats*

Josh: Oh my god, this is so cute! Look at all of them! 

Jocelyn: Awe, aren't you some cute kitty kittens! I could just take you home right now.

*a cat jumps onto Josh his lap and lays down there. Another cat jumps onto Jocelyn her shoulder and starts purring beside her ear*

Jocelyn: Oh my god Josh, it's purring in my ear! Look how cute! 

*the server walks over to them with their drinks*

Server: Looks like the cats love you already! Here are your drinks, enjoy!

Josh: Could I ask you to take a picture of us?

Server: Oh yeah, no problem! Whose phone?

*Josh takes out his phone and hands it to the server*

Server: Alright, now you say kitty alright?

Josh and Jocelyn: Kitty!

*the server takes a picture and gives the phone back to Josh*

Josh: Thank you so much.

Server: No problem, enjoy your coffee.

Jocelyn: Thank you!

*they start sipping on their coffee while petting the cats*

Josh: It is so adorable... 

Jocelyn: I am so glad we are here right now, this is too cute!

*another cat jumps onto Jocelyn her lap*

Jocelyn: Oh, I got two now! They really love me I guess...

Josh (mumbling quietly): Wouldn't be hard to though.

Jocelyn: Huh?

Josh: Nothing, sorry.

Jocelyn: No, what did you say?

Josh: Just that I am jealous that you have two cats and I got just one.

Jocelyn: I am positive another one will join you soon! 

*a cat walks over and sits on Josh his shoes* 

Josh: Pardon me, cat. You are sitting on my shoes! 

Jocelyn: Did it really just go and sit on your shoes?

*they laugh a little bit while finishing their coffee. A couple more cats gather around them*

Josh: They really love us, don't they? They really are gathering around us.

*the server walks over to them to get their empty cups*

Server: They really are gathering around you! Are you guys a couple? They seem to love the bond between the two of you.

Jocelyn: No uhm... We are just friends! For three more days...

Josh: Yeah, we are separating after three days. We are making the best of memories in the last days we got together.

Server: I don't want to intervene between your plans, but with how the cats respond to you... I have to say that it's such a shame you are letting such a special bond slide. 

Josh: We definitely had lots of fun! Sometimes you just have to part ways... So we are spending the last days together making some fun memories.

Server: Sounds fair... Did you want anything else to drink? Or any snacks?

Jocelyn: Could I get a muffin? 

Josh: Yeah, me too. And you have milkshakes right?

Server: Two muffins are noted and yeah, what flavour? We have strawberry, chocolate, banana and vanilla.

Josh: Could I get a banana milkshake?

Jocelyn: Now we are talking about it, can I also have one? Sounds very delicious.

Server: I am sorry, we only have enough for one...

Josh: We could share? Jocelyn, do you mind sharing? 

Jocelyn: No, it's yours!

Josh: Ah, come on now. Share! Can we get two muffins and a large banana milkshake?

Server: Coming right your way!

Jocelyn: Alright, thank you!

Josh: We are going to share a milkshake! How cute.

Jocelyn: After the muffins and the milkshake, we should go though... We have been here for a bit already! About an hour, I think? 

Josh: Yeah, sure thing!

*the server arrives with the milkshake and the muffins*

Server: There you go! Enjoy it, it is the last milkshake after all!

Josh: Yeah, we will, thank you so much.

Jocelyn: Thank you!

*they pet the cats while talking a little. They drink the milkshakes and in the meantime they also eat their muffins. After about one and a half hours, they are ready to leave*

Josh: It was so fun! I am so glad we went here...

Jocelyn: Yeah, it was definitely fun!

Josh: Let's go pay the bill and go home. 

*Josh pays the bill at the server and gives a tip. He walks over to Jocelyn and walks with her towards the exit. The cats follow them towards the exit*

Josh: No, you can't come with us, I'm sorry! 

Jocelyn: Awe, they don't want us to go... I'm sorry sweeties but we have to go!

*the cats finally leave them alone when they try to get out of the door without the cats leaving the cafe. They walk towards the car and laugh*

Josh: I guess the cats really loved us!

Jocelyn: They did! So cute... That is why I love animals.

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