The after party part 2

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*the barman puts down two shots of alcohol*

Josh: Thank you, sir! Jocelyn, this one is yours!

*Jocelyn grabs her shot starting to sip while trying to stay on her feet and slurring her words*

Jocelyn: Thanks.

Josh: How are you feeling? Are you still doing okay?

Jocelyn: Yeah... Have I told you I liked trees? I wanna go to a tree after this drink...

*Josh has a confused expression*

Josh: Well, that's out of the blue...

*Jocelyn finishes the shot and starts making her way outside quickly. She almost falls like seven times, but that doesn't stop her. Josh looks at her walking away and finishes his shot so he can go after her*

Josh: Hey, wait up!

*Jocelyn is already outside climbing in a tree. Surprisingly she made it safely without falling. Josh just walked outside looking for her*

Josh: Jocelyn? Where are you?!

*Josh looks around and suddenly hears a giggle from up in the tree. He looks up and sees Jocelyn sitting there*

Jocelyn: I'm in the tree! I love trees!

Josh: Hey... I think you should get down... You are very, very drunk and I really don't want you to fall...

Jocelyn: No it's fine! I don't wanna leave my tree yet...

Josh: Please, just get out... Should I come up and get you? I can help you.

Jocelyn: Fine, I will come down... Just stay there, I am on my way.

*Jocelyn starts climbing down but she slips, falls, and tries to stick the landing but rolls her ankle. Because she rolled her ankle, she fell down to the ground onto her wrist*

Josh: Jocelyn! Are you okay?! Are you hurt?!

*Jocelyn giggles and stands up. As she tries to walk, she falls down trying to lean on her left leg*

Jocelyn: Seems like my ankle is being silly...

*Jocelyn continues giggling as Josh is now crouched beside her with a worried expression*

Josh: This does not just seem silly... Does your ankle hurt?

Jocelyn: No it doesn't... It's probably just being silly, nothing to worry about!

*She tries to stand up again but once again falls after trying to lean on her left leg*

Josh: This really doesn't seem good... You also fell on your arm right? Can I see it?

*Jocelyn shows Josh her left wrist. It looks quite swollen and a little bruised*

Josh: Okay, we have to go to the hospital, because this is looking very bad...

Jocelyn: No it's fine, really! It's just being silly! Can we just get back inside and drink a little more? It's so fun here! And Josh is also there! He invited me, so it would be disrespectful not to talk to him. If he didn't invite me, I wouldn't be here!

*Josh lets out a sigh hearing how drunk Jocelyn is and how she slurs her words*

Josh: We could sit on the bench for a bit. So I can look at your ankle. But we are not going inside, you can't even walk!

Jocelyn: Awe... You can't get me a drink at all? And what about Josh? I haven't spoken to him yet.

Josh: I am not getting you more alcohol, you are way too drunk... But I am sure you will speak to him soon! Probably tomorrow, because I think he would be curious about why you did not look for him at all. But you are in no condition to get inside there again!

Jocelyn: Awe... Fine. Can we at least go sit on the bench then? The ground is uncomfortable...

*Josh stands up and lifts Jocelyn up before walking to the bench. He puts her down carefully and puts her leg up on the bench. Sitting down beside her foot, he starts untying her shoe*

Jocelyn: What are you doing?

Josh: Just checking in on your ankle. You rolled it pretty badly and since you can not stand on it at all, I wanted to check how it looked.

*He takes of her shoe and pulls down her sock*

Josh: Yep, that looks very swollen... And not good at all.

Jocelyn: Don't worry about it! It's just being silly, it's nothing, really!

*Josh has a worried expression*

Josh: You really don't get it, do you?

Jocelyn: What? I like trees!

*he sighs as he facepalms himself*

Jocelyn: What is it?

Josh: You are way too drunk to understand what is happening... That's what it is.

*Jocelyn starts giggling again*

Josh: Can I look at your wrist again? Does it hurt?

*she shows her wrist to Josh*

Josh: That doesn't seem well... I think we really gotta go to the hospital...

Jocelyn: Why? My ankle is just being silly. I am sure it will work just fine tomorrow! Look!

*Jocelyn tries to stand up and walk but falls again*

Josh: Jocelyn! You gotta keep seated! Your ankle is not okay, so you can not use it okay?!

*Josh lifts Jocelyn up and slowly puts her down on the bench again. He crouches down in front of her*

Josh: Jocelyn... We really gotta get to the hospital okay? Can I pick you up and walk you to the hospital, to get you checked out? Please?

*he still has a worried expression on his face while looking up at Jocelyn*

Jocelyn: Well if you really want to... But you owe me time with Josh! You want to take me to the hospital and that's the reason I am not gonna be able to talk to Josh at the party! So you owe me!

*Josh sighs again, still looking at Jocelyn*

Josh: Yeah sure, I promise... Let's just get you checked out first.

*he picks up Jocelyn and starts walking to the hospital which is quite close*

Josh: Do you recognize me? Like at all?

Jocelyn: Uhm... Tree? I can only see trees, you are quite blurry... And why are there two of you?

Josh: That explains a lot... You are way and way too drunk...

*Jocelyn giggles a little*

Jocelyn: I am not that drunk... I like trees! Did you know there is a Dutch liquor called Boswandeling? Translated to English it's Forestwalk! Funny right?

*Josh laughs a little now*

Josh: How are you so amused by the name of a liquor? We are almost at the hospital by the way...

Jocelyn: Come on, it's funny! Forestwalk as a name? It sounds so weird if you say it in Dutch! Boswandeling...

*Josh keeps walking for a bit and they finally arrive at the hospital. He walks with Jocelyn in his arms to the help desk*

Josh: Hey miss... I think this woman has a broken ankle and wrist... She is very drunk and not able to communicate clearly...

Assistant: I will call out someone immediately for you okay? You can sit there until someone is free to look at it.

Josh: Okay, thank you very much!

*Josh puts Jocelyn down on a chair carefully and sits down beside her*

Josh: And now we wait I guess...

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