Reverse sticker scavenger hunt

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*In the morning Jocelyn wakes up and notices that she isn't lying in her bed. She opened her eyes and noticed that she slept in the living room, also she noticed that she is lying with her head on Josh his lap. She slowly sits up, leaving Josh his lap cold. Because it's suddenly cold, Josh also wakes up*

Josh: Why did you do that? Now it's cold...

Jocelyn: Why did we sleep on the couch? I thought you would bring me to bed.

Josh: I dozed off, I'm sorry. At least we slept though.

Jocelyn: Yeah, that is true... It was quite comfortable anyway, to be honest. 

Josh: Are you excited? We are placing stickers around the neighborhood today. And picnicking in the park! We could do that for dinner and get lunch when we are walking around.

Jocelyn: Let's first get to breakfast. Are you feeling some cornflakes today? Easy and tasty.

Josh: Yeah that sounds good. And easy indeed.

*they head to the kitchen and Jocelyn prepares two bowls of cornflakes*

Josh: It's nice to have cornflakes once in a while. It's been quite a long time since I've had some.

*they eat a bit in the kitchen while talking. After they finish eating, they grab their stickers and get ready to go outside. Josh grabs Jocelyn her wheelchair and stands behind Jocelyn*

Josh: Sit down, you can't walk this long. 

Jocelyn: Yeah, that might be a good idea... 

*after Jocelyn sits down, Josh starts walking outside*

Josh: Where are we going to place the first sticker?

Jocelyn: Let's do it right here, on the lantern! 

*Jocelyn grabs a sticker and sticks it to the lantern. They walk for a bit while placing about three stickers*

Josh: So, this is the last day with your casts... What do you think was the best memory you have from these six weeks?

Jocelyn: I would say uhm... I would say the first whole day. When we found out about our necklaces, we sang, and danced together. Also being on set for the first time was quite funny! And how we fell asleep there.

Josh: Yeah, I can see why you think that was the best day... I think that would also be my favorite day.

Jocelyn: What about the worst day? 

Josh: That is a great question... Uhm, probably the day with that stray cat.

Jocelyn: Oh, you mean when it was raining and we had to go get some groceries?

Josh: Yeah! It wasn't a bad day, but I would say the worst of all the time we spent.

*she places another sticker on the corner of an alleyway*

Jocelyn: Yeah no, we didn't do many fun things that day... Just get some groceries and uhm- Yeah, look at that stray cat.

Josh: Yeah no, we didn't do anything because you went to sleep right after dinner...

Jocelyn: Let a girl have her sleep! It was needed.

Josh: I'm not saying that I am mad or something... Just that we didn't do anything fun because you immediately went to sleep.

Jocelyn: Yeah okay, I can find myself in that.

Josh: You know... This is like a reversed sticker scavenger hunt. Instead of searching where the stickers are, we are searching for where to place the stickers.

*they walk around for a bit more while placing the stickers*

Jocelyn: So, the end is near...

Josh: It is... Tomorrow your casts will be removed. I have something fun planned for us!

Jocelyn: I really hope it's something very fun. I really want to spend the last day to the fullest!

Josh: I promise you, I have something to do in the afternoon and something for the evening... I know you wanted to do something like that with me, so as I promised, we are doing that tomorrow in the evening!

Jocelyn: Something you promised? What did you promise me?

Josh: I am not telling you! That would ruin the surprise.

Jocelyn: Ugh fine... I hope it's something fun.

Josh: I promise you that it's worth it.

Jocelyn: So what's the plan after I move back into my own house? After we separate? Is it all over?

Josh: Of course, if we meet again, we can have a talk. But I told you that you could stay at mine for six weeks... And the six weeks are over. I can promise you that if I ever see you around, I will come and chat with you! 

Jocelyn: So, we are really separating... Parting our own ways.

Josh: Maybe our paths will cross again one day? Who knows?

Jocelyn: yeah... Maybe they will. It just sucks saying goodbye to you now, you know?

Josh: Yeah, I get it. 

*they walk around for some more while placing even more stickers*

Jocelyn: We are almost out of stickers!

Josh: Good, my legs are starting to get tired from walking around so much...

Jocelyn: Oh, I don't notice anything.

*Jocelyn giggles jokingly*

Josh: Oh no, of course not! Because you are sitting in the wheelchair, that I'm pushing!

Jocelyn: Yeah, exactly! Thanks!

*while laughing, they stick the last couple of stickers around on lanterns or walls*

Josh: Are they finally all placed? Are we out of stickers?

Jocelyn: Yeah, they are gone.

Josh: Oh finally... I brought a blanket, so if we just go to the grocery store to buy some snacks for the picnic, we can head to the park right away!

Jocelyn: That's smart! Alright, let's move to the grocery store to gather some snacks.

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