Sticker hunt

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*they step inside the car* 

Jocelyn: So, are we going to buy stickers for tomorrow?

Josh: Oh my god, we should seek cat stickers!

Jocelyn: That is such a great idea! Let's go to the shopping mall to search all kinds of stickers.

Josh: We are going on a sticker hunt, to seek for cute and relatable stickers!

*Josh starts driving to the mall while Jocelyn looks outside at all the cars passing*

Josh: What's on your mind? You are pretty quiet...

Jocelyn: It's just weird to think about the fact that we are separating after three more nights... It just hasn't sunk in yet. You know that feeling, where you know something will happen but it just hasn't hit yet?

Josh: I get what you mean... Let's just keep it that way for now. Let it be a weird feeling for now, if it sinks in, then the next days will be more sad than fun.

Jocelyn: Yeah, we don't want that of course. It's also weird to think that tomorrow is the last day I have my casts on. Finally, my wrist will be free and I will be able to walk normally again! 

Josh: Yeah! We are going to do something really fun after you get your cast off!

Jocelyn: You know I hate surprises, stop bringing it up if you want to keep it a surprise.

Josh: Okay, okay, I'm sorry...

Jocelyn: How many stickers are we buying?

Josh: Not too much, I still wanna be able to walk after we do our small stroll through the neighborhood. We are also going to the park after that!

Jocelyn: Oh yeah, that's right! Oh, I am gonna be so happy when we get back there. We could picnic under the tree maybe?

Josh: Oeh, that sounds like a very fun thing to do! 

*they arrive at the mall and step out of the car* 

Josh: Let's go to that store, I think they will definitely have stickers.

*Josh points towards a store while changing his direction towards it*

Jocelyn: Alright, let's go.

*they walk into the store and look for stickers. They do find a couple of packs, but no cat stickers. They choose two small packs of stickers*

Josh: We could also choose one pack and search for cat stickers at another store.

Jocelyn: Oh, that is a good idea. Let's do that!

*they buy one pack of stickers and walk into two other stores without success*

Jocelyn: I just hope the next store has cat stickers... My leg is starting to give in.

Josh: Oh, I completely forgot you have a hard time moving around. We could sit down? Eat some ice cream and just relax for a bit?

Jocelyn: That does sound nice, should we get some ice cream?

Josh: Yeah, I'm in! 

*Jocelyn sits down at a table in front of the ice cream parlor*

Josh: Okay, what flavour would you like?

Jocelyn: I hope they still have it, last time I came here they had grandma's cookie dough! If they don't have that one, I would like red velvet!

Josh: Alright, I will be right back.

*Josh orders some ice cream and walks over to the table with two cups in his hand*

Jocelyn: No, you didn't...

Josh: Yes, I did! 

Jocelyn: Why?!

Josh: Why not? It's not something you would normally do... So it is easier to remember!

Jocelyn: two scoops of red velvet and two scoops of grandma's cookie dough?! Four scoops total?! Josh, why? I mean, thank you! But that is expensive though!

*while sitting down, Josh starts laughing*

Josh: Why do you worry about money so much? It's not like I am broke after buying a double serving of the standard amount of ice cream. Sometimes you just have to spoil yourself and your friends a little! 

Jocelyn: Josh, this is really sweet, thank you!

Josh: Absolutely, no problem.

*they enjoy their ice cream and relax for a bit before walking into another store. After looking around the store for cat stickers, they finally find a pack in the back of the store. After buying the pack of cat stickers, they walk out of the mall*

Jocelyn: I can't believe we found cat stickers! I really lost hope when we were sitting there eating ice cream.

Josh: Everything is possible if you keep pushing through!

Jocelyn: Well, do we go home now? Or did you have anything else in mind?

Josh: No, I think we are ready to go home now... We have the stickers, and it's almost time for dinner.

Jocelyn: After four scoops of ice cream, I vote for dinner to be late.

*they start laughing and get to the car. As they get inside, Josh starts yawning*

Josh: So, what did you want for late dinner?

Jocelyn: What about, uhm... Some fries? And uhm... Salmon?

Josh: Oeh, sounds great! 

Jocelyn: Yeah right? We also have some bok choy at home right? We could also cook that to put on the side... I am kind of craving it today.

Josh: Hm, that does sound pretty tempting.

Jocelyn: Please?

Josh: Alright. Fries, salmon, and bok choy on the side! Seems very delicious!

*Josh starts driving home*

Josh: How do you come up with such good dishes every time I ask you what you want?

Jocelyn: I don't know... I just say what I feel like and then I think about things that could be on the side.

Josh: You come up with them so easily too! How?

Jocelyn: I actually have no idea, I just do! 

Josh: That is quite impressive if I am being honest.

Jocelyn: I guess it was something I picked up in my study?

Josh: Could be! You were studying as a cook, right? 

Jocelyn: Yeah, I was studying as a cook.

*they finally arrive home and they step out of the car. When they step inside, they immediately make their way to the couch and sit down*

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