Louis cold

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I rubbed my temples and winced as the headache I had been nursing all day finally reached its peak. Sniffing and grumbling, I buried my pounding head in my hands for a short minute, hoping that by some stroke of luck the pain would just miraculously disappear. 

The lads and I had been at the studio the entire day, struggling to get through recording. It was currently two pm and we were all completely sick of it by now, the fun having vanished after the first three hours. I had rolled out of bed that morning freezing cold and full of a headache and a sore throat. That in itself should've made me stay home. I sure as hell wanted to, but I couldn't let down everyone else, we needed to get this recording out of the way so we could finally get the break we'd all been praying for. It had been nearly two months without so much as two consecutive days off now and we were all reaching the end of our tethers.

Since arriving at the studio that morning  the burning pain in my throat had only escalated and my head had begun throbbing every time I so much as breathed past my aching chest and cough. I knew I  was being over dramatic, it was just a cold but it was annoying and gross and the last thing I felt like doing was recording.

Harry came out of the booth and plopped down onto the couch next to me with a weary smile. Everyone had noticed that something was up with me, I was sure of it, but no one had said anything yet and for that I was glad. I didn't feel like answering pointless questions and being babied over a little cold.

Niall's name was called out by the producers and he got up out of his seat with a tired sigh. Liam chuckled at his lack of enthusiasm, bringing a small smile to Niall's face. The Irishman then went into the booth without any verbal complaints.

I leaned back into the pillows with a quiet moan as the back of my pained throat tickled and I had to fight the urge to cough. I squirmed uncomfortably as the feeling grew stronger and stronger and after trying every trick in the book, water, holding my breath, forgetting about it, realised that it was going to happen whatever I did.

The force of the coughing had my head almost between my knees and tears sprung to my eyes involuntarily. It made my head scream and my throat feel as if it was on fire. Fortunately, it did relieve some of the tension in my chest though.

It fell quiet after a few minutes and when I finally mustered the courage to look up from the floor, both Liam's and Harry's eyes were centered on me accusingly.

"Are you alright?" Liam asked carefully,  staring me down like I was five years old.

"Fine, choked on my own spit," I lied, my voice sounding slightly congested now. I curled up into the couch and tried to get warm as another cold rush rattled through me.There was already another round of coughs settled down in my chest.

"Bullshit," Harry murmured under his breath and I pretended not to hear him. The game was nearly up, the questions would start soon. 

It was completely silent apart from the quiet buzzing from the TV and the odd sneeze or cough out of me as we waited for Niall to finish up. Soon he came out, his eyes going straight to me. "Your turn Lou." He gestured to the booth behind him and I couldn't help the sneeze that slipped out as a reply.

 I reluctantly got to my feet and shuffled into the booth, positioning myself in front of the mic and slipping on the headphones. I felt likes I could fall asleep on my feet right then, easy peasy. 

A voice told me that we would be beginning for what felt like the hundredth time today and the music began in my ears, causing my head to rattle painfully. I just had to get through this recording and then I could go home and sleep.

I croaked through my part, my strained voice continuously cracking and cutting off completely. After the first three lines I was pretty much hacking up a lung, my hands on my knees to hold myself up as the coughs racked through my tired body. Just let this be over.

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