Liam sick- for larrybeiberdreams

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Harry huffed and turned to me, "do you have to do that?

"Do what?" 

I shrugged cheekily, knowing full well what I was doing. I was bored, this was simply a way to entertain myself. Apparently we weren't allowed to start recording without Liam and he was a couple of minutes late.

"Blow in my ear Lou, what do you think?" Harry dead-panned, tugging at his curls.

"Like this?" 

I leaned forward and blew right in his ear for what was probably the sixth time, making him squeak in fright and pull away. Niall was knocked off the couch and flat onto his arse. I stifled a laugh as the blond glared up at Harry.

 He frowned, rubbing at his most likely bruised bottom, "what was that for?"
"Louis blew in my ear," Harry complained, shooting me a glare.

 Niall grinned as he got to his feet, "so get him back." 

Harry turned on me slowly and I didn't miss the mischievous look in his bright green eyes. 

I jumped up and raced off down the hall, cackling loudly as I did so. I could hear Harry bounding after me and I laughed louder, ducking into another room.

I looked back to see Harry skid around the corner, slipping in his socks. He growled playfully as I whirled around to take off again. Instead I collided harshly with something and stumbled backwards in shock.

The something I'd run into was Liam. 

"Sorry Li, I didn't see you- argh!" 

Harry had sneaked up behind me and blew in my left ear, making me jump a foot into the air.

"Gotcha," he laughed.

Liam blinked a few times, "hey lads, sorry I'm a bit late."

"Hey Payno, where've you been?!" Niall yelled as he joined the rest of us, slinging an arm around mine and Harry's shoulders as he sidled in between us.

Liam rubbed his eyes and shrugged. "I'm sick and they wouldn't let me stay home," he said.

 I looked him over. He was definitely pale, and seemed as stiff as a board. He wasn't acting like himself either

"What's wrong? And why didn't they let you stay home?" Harry asked. 

"I think it's some kind of stomach bug. I called but that man just told me to come in and do my best."

"Are okay though, mate? Because we'll fight them," Niall said.

I nodded in agreement. Our management was pretty strict with us but when it came down to it, we were kind of important to them and they couldn't afford to get too pushy with us. I knew that if we really tried, we could get Liam back to his bed. 

 Liam shook his head, "it's alright lads, I don't want to cause any arguments. Let's just go get started."
"You sure?" 
"Yeah," Liam said sighing, "I'll be fine."

"Okay, let's go then," I said, hoping he was right. Stomach bugs weren't any fun and it definitely wouldn't be great spending the day in the studio with one.

The walk back to the main room was kind of awkward because no one knew what to say. Even Niall didn't say a word. We all just felt bad for him. I for one didn't want to be annoying.

"Guys, this is weird, just forget I even told you okay? I'm fine," Liam finally spoke up.
I glanced over at him, "you'll tell us if you're not though?" 
"If that'll make you all go back to normal," Liam replied.

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